Do You Need A Website When You Begin Your VA Business

Do you need to website to start your virtual assistant business? The short answer is yes! The longer answer is that you will definitely need one in the very near future, but if you’re just starting, you may be able to get your first clients without a completed website.

Virtual Assistant Website

Why you need a virtual assistant website

Build trust

A website is considered the norm for most small businesses now, especially those that offer digital services. A website can help you build trust between you and your potential clients, especially if it is well done.

Host your portfolio and testimonials

A website is a great place to host all relevant information for clients. This will be helpful when a new client comes to your website looking for the information they need. Instead of looking at your social media sites for testimonials, then to your Canva portfolio to view your services, and then to your Calendly link to schedule a call, they can access everything from the same spot. 

Build your brand

Your brand doesn’t only consist of your logo and brand colors. A brand consists of many things, including your voice, images, and overall brand personality. Your website is a great way to share your brand’s personality clearly. This will also help direct the right clients to you. Instead of finding out on the discovery call that they might not be a good fit for you, you can attract the right clients from the start.

Make your business searchable

While your social media channels are now search-engine optimized and accessible on Google, it is still essential to build an optimized website.

Options to consider before you build your website

If you’re in the process of building your website and need something to direct clients to in the meantime, here are some options. None of these are replacements for a great website, but they can help you get your first clients.

Social Media

This is a great option when you are just starting out and still trying to solidify your services and niche. You can follow other virtual assistants and business owners from your niche to learn more about how to market yourself and solve the pain points of your target community. Be sure to share your work and make it easy for a potential client to book with you.  

One Pager

Many companies allow you to make a very simple, one- or two-page website that acts as a landing page for your potential clients. It could host an about me page that includes your services, pricing, and portfolio and a contact me page that shows future clients how to get in touch with you.

Canva Portfolio

You can use your Canva portfolio as a website. Canva has a lot of portfolio templates you can use to build your own and share it with potential clients. Again, be sure to include a call to action or contact information, so clients know how to start working with you.

Must-haves for your virtual assistant website


When people are booking your services, they want to have an idea of what they will receive. It is imperative to have a portfolio that demonstrates the type of work you will be competing for clients. This can be its own page, or you can share your work throughout your site.


Your client must know what services you offer. Whether they are all listed out on one page or whether you share more general information, like, “I will help you with administrative tasks,” or “I will assist your marketing efforts.” Either way, make it clear what clients can come to you for.


A website is an excellent place to house testimonials! It helps any potential clients trust you and your work. Sprinkle these throughout your website as proof of your experience and skills. If you don’t have any from virtual assisting clients, get testimonials from previous jobs or volunteer work to supplement until you have new testimonials.

About me

It’s important to build trust with potential clients quickly in order to convert them to clients. Your about me page can help you do this. Include information about you, how you work, your relevant experience, and most importantly, why you are so passionate about your work! Don’t be afraid to share your personality with potential clients!

Call to action

On every page of your website, there should be a clear call to action that shows potential clients how to book with you. Your website should give them the information they need to understand your offers, but its primary purpose is to make it easy for potential clients to contact you.


This is a great opportunity to share the answers to questions you receive all the time. Does everyone ask you if you have experience with Adobe products? Do people ask you if you offer custom packages? Answer them here!

These are just a few examples of the content you could include on your website. Check out other virtual assistant websites to get some virtual assistant website inspiration!


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