Why Every Virtual Assistant Needs An I Help Statement

You’ve heard it called many things.

Mission statement. 

Elevator pitch. 

I help statement. 

If you’ve worked for any type of large, successful company, somewhere during your tenure, you were told or asked to memorize their mission statement. This statement is one of the most important things a company has because it lets their customers know who they are and the people they help. 

Did you know mission statements are not just for large corporations? Solopreneurs, entrepreneurs and other small business owners need one too. 

Why Do Small Businesses Need A Mission Statement?

Creating a mission statement in the beginning of your entrepreneur journey will help you when it comes to making any decision about your business. Your mission statement keeps what you do and who you help in the forefront of your mind. 

Your mission statement is a constant reminder to you and your dream clients what your business does, who you do it for, and why. The simple act of coming up with a mission statement is a benefit in itself. It causes you to sit down and think about what you REALLY want out of your business, and who you want to help.

In the small business online space, your mission statement is your “who I help statement.” 

How Do You Write An I Help Statement? 

If you’ve been in the online space for any amount of time, one of the first things you’re asked when starting your business is “who do you want to help and why?”  Your “I Help” statement (mission statement) doesn’t need to be this long drawn out paragraph. It needs to be simple and clarifies who you are answering these three questions:

  • Who do you help (who is your target market)? 

  • What do you help them do (what solution are you providing)?⠀

  • What is their pain point (what keeps them up at night)?

Since I've pivoted my business I had to craft a new "I help" statement. ⠀

This used to be my help statement...⠀

Raquell of the House Wesley, First of Her Name, Slayer of Pinterest, Empress of Virtual Assistants, Queen of To-Do-Lists, Goal Setting Sensei, and Mother of the Discovery Call.⠀

Cute right? I'm sure you can tell by this statement that I love Game of Thrones. But what does it tell you about my business and who I help? It tells you a little bit about my business. I’m a virtual assistant. I help clients with Pinterest. But, does it really answer the three questions above?

No. Not really.

And since I'm pivoting my business all of that had to change no matter how much I loved that cute little statement. 

This is my new I help statement.

I help virtual assistants close discovery calls with confidence so they can stop feeling nervous and unprepared. 

It answers who I help - virtual assistants 

What I help them do - close discovery calls

What is their pain point - they feel nervous and unprepared during discovery calls

Here are a couple of examples of other I help statements. 

Before you begin the process of branding and marketing your business, you should create an I help mission statement that will set the tone direction for all your marketing materials and everything you do in your business.

Have you filled out your Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest profile bio so potential clients can find you? ⠀

Completing your bio on each one of these platforms is such an important step you can't overlook. You need to add keywords in your bio that show new followers a quick insight into who you are and your business helps. Visitors to your profile will know if they should follow and care about your brand. ⠀

Your I help mission statement will do this. 

So do me a favor, go look at YOUR "who I help" mission statement and make sure it answers these three questions so you can attract your dream clients.

  • Who do you help (who is your target market)? 

  • What do you help them do (what solution are you providing)?⠀

  • What is their pain point (what keeps them up at night)?

Need more tips + hacks to start your new VA business, especially if you're still working your 9-5? Sign up for my email list for complete information. 


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