Do NOT Be This Pinterest Business Owner!

Why A Business Owner Should Use Pinterest?

  1. Grow your email list

  2. Increase brand awareness

  3. You can sell both products and services

Pinterest is the perfect hybrid of search engine and social media. The algorithm is set up so that if people are searching for a service or product you provide, you will show up in their feed. The algorithm helps you reach people who are looking for you! 

BUT - Don’t Make These Mistakes on Pinterest

#1 DON’T Treat Your “Business Account” like it’s your “Personal Account.”

Always remember that the content in your Pinterest boards is not for YOU.  The pins are for your potential audience, readers and your ideal client. On your personal account it’s okay for your board to be messy, to not have descriptions and for your profile to not be filled out, but your business account should portray a clear idea of what you do and how you can help other people. When thinking about what to pin on your Pinterest business account, always keep your client in mind; put yourself in your client’s shoes. Think: Is this something he/she needs help with? Is this something he/she’s searching for. 

#2 DON’T Create New Pins Every Time You Pin

Creating Pinterest images from scratch every time you pin on Pinterest is not ideal. It takes time and it’s not efficient. Find 3 or 4 designs that work for you that you can use over and over again with minor tweaks and use them every time you pin. Your branded pin images will show a clear picture of who you are and will be a quick way for your regular followers to become familiar with you and they’ll know that your pins provide value. 


#3 DON’T Forget About Hashtags

Hashtags on Pinterest work the same way as everywhere else and you should definitely use them in your pin descriptions. Pinterest recommends using 1-2 relevant hashtags per description and it’s possible to use even more. Hashtags should be descriptive and specific and relevant to the content you are pinning. 


#4 DON’T Forget About Keywords

Just like hashtags, keywords are HUGE on Pinterest. Remember, when pinners come to Pinterest, they are SEARCHING for something!!! Your business name, your Pinterest profile and ALL of your pin descriptions need to have relevant keywords. Keywords tell Pinterest what your board is about and what your pin is about. A good rule to follow is to have at least 3-4 keywords in each description. 


#5 DON’T Focus on Vanity Metrics

A common misconception on Pinterest is the higher the monthly viewers and followers, the better. Both of these numbers are vanity metrics. Yes, they’re nice. Yes, it looks nice when someone sees you have one-hundred thousand monthly views. Yes, pinners are “seeing” your pins.  BUT the numbers that are more important are the engagement numbers. All the monthly viewers number means is that Pinterest has put your pin in front of the eyes of that many pinners. It put your pin in their feed and they scrolled by. However, if they are not interacting with her pin: clicking through to your website, saving your pin, or sharing your pin on “their” boards, they are not engaging with your content. You want interaction not just to be seen. Yes, those numbers up into the thousands are nice, but if they are not clicking through to your website, those numbers don’t mean much. 

#6 DON’T Pin Content Not Meant for Your Ideal Client

The purpose of your Pinterest business account is to attract your ideal client. That means you need to pin what your “client” will be looking for - not what YOU need or what YOU will be looking for. The point of your account is to target THEM. If you are a social media manager pinning about recipes - that’s not for your client - that’s for you. When you pin you need to focus on what problem your client is trying to solve? What do they need? What questions are the asking? In addition, share other people’s content. If you only pin and promote “your” stuff - it becomes spammy. So make sure you pin other pinners helpful information too. If you are a new blogger or business owner a good ratio to start with is 80/20. 80% others, 20% yours. As you get more content/products you can increase to 50/50 and then 80% you and 20% theirs. But the most important thing to remember is to provide VALUE! Be the source your ideal client or ideal customer is looking for. That means YOUR content! The faster you can create content to share, the quicker you will get to 80% you and 20% theirs.

#7 DON’T Be An Inactive Pinner

The one thing Pinterest does not like is an inactive pinner. Pinterest wants to see you pinning on a routine basis. They want you to be consistent. This means blogging at least once a week or pinning a product at least once a week. BUT, you need to be pinning something every day!! Pinning only once a month or sharing others content only once a month looks like an inactive account. The number of pins you pin a day is not as important as being consistent and pinning “something” every day. So if you are a new blogger or business owner and you don’t have a lot of content, this is why using Tailwind and Tailwind tribes can help your account stay consistent because as long as you keep your queue full, you’re always pinning, even if it’s only 3-4 times a day and Pinterest will always recognize your account as an active one. 

#8 DON’T Make It Hard For Pinners to Pin From Your Website

The point of Pinterest is to skyrocket your visibility and drive traffic to your website and blog posts. Adding a pin it button (also known as hover button) for your website images makes it easy for your readers to share your posts and images to Pinterest. With a pin button, the user can save your post to their Pinterest board in just a few clicks. It’s a huge save time saver and increases the chance of your pin being saved! I need to put your Pinterest business account in Pinterest time out? Have you made any of these Pinterest mistakes in regards to your Pinterest business account? If you have, I hope these tips and tricks have helped. 

Do you need help with your Pinterest account? Check out my Pinterest services. I can manage your Pinterest account for as little as $130 per month if you’re a new blogger or new business owner! 


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Creating The Perfect Pinterest Business Account: Extras