Where To Use Keywords On Pinterest

At its core, Pinterest is a visual search engine, much like Google. When users log in to their Pinterest accounts, they use keywords to find what they need. If you have a Pinterest business account, you need to optimize your profile, board, and pins to make it easy for pinners to find and explore your site.

What is Pinterest Keywording?

Optimizing your business account with keywords is a process of adding specific, targeted words from your niche, which allows Pinterest users to find the content they want. For example, if I search "discovery call," I hope that Pinterest will return all the results for the keyword "discovery call." Why? Because if I'm a new virtual assistant and I need to know how to conduct a discovery call, I want to find all the results that are related to discovery calls. Pinterest will organize all the content that has to deal with the specific keyword I searched for, and they will show up in my Pinterest feed.

Why Should You Keyword on Pinterest

As a Pinterest business account owner, your goal is to target users interested in your business or products explicitly. Every profile, board description, and pin description should include keywords in a natural-sounding way that target your ideal user.

Another reason to use keywords on Pinterest is to assist the algorithm on Pinterest. Hence, it knows how to categorize your content and share it with users who may not follow you but are interested in your content.

Where to Keyword on Pinterest

Website and Blog Posts

The very first place to optimize with keywords is your website and your blog posts or products. When you write a blog post and add images, come up with a keyword or keyword phrase and include this phrase or keyword in the headings and throughout the blogpost. Also, optimize the images.

Pinterest Profile

When you create your Pinterest business account, your profile is the first place to add keywords. Don't overlook this vital area. There are two places to insert keywords: the profile name and the profile description.

If you are a social media manager, add social media manager to your profile name. If you are a virtual assistant, add the keyword virtual assistant to your profile name. When a pinner searches using those keywords, an optimized profile might show up in the search.

Next, add your target keyword in your profile description. Use the description to let users know who you are and whom you serve. The profile description shows a user how you're going to help them with the type of content you publish. You can use the same keywords you used in your business name or a longer keyworded phrase. Make sure to add a keyword or keyword phrase in your description naturally.

Pinterest Board Titles

When coming up with the titles for your Pinterest boards, use clear, understandable words but consider whom you are trying to target. If your business is a lifestyle blog, then you are free to use a wide range of topics to attract your target market. However, if you are a coach and you want to work with a more narrow niche of other business owners, then you will have to niche down with your keywords. Be specific in the keywords you use for the titles of your boards. Be creative, but think about what your target audience will be searching for on Pinterest.

Pinterest Board Descriptions

Do not miss this step. The number of characters you can use to name your board title is not a lot. When describing what the board is about, use this space to tell your user what you will pin. Write complete sentences. The description of your board is the place where you will say to the user what you will pin on the board. Write complete natural sentences but use several keywords to describe your board.

Pin Design

Don't forget about keywords when designing your pin. Remember, Pinterest is a visual search engine. The first contact a user has with your content is your pin. Before they read the description of the pin, before they click on your profile and look at your boards, they see your pin. Be clear what your topic is about by using keywords on your pin.

Pin Descriptions

When you create a blog post or product on your website, you create a description on the back end of your blog. An optimized site includes rich pins that you can upload directly from your website; the description you created will follow your pin. It is my recommendation that when you introduce your pin to Pinterest for the first time, pin it directly from your website. But don't stop there. Pinterest loves new content.

Create several pins and several pin descriptions for your blog post and products. If you use Tailwind, when you upload those pins, you now have several pins and descriptions you can use. Even though all of these pins and descriptions will all go back to one URL (one product or one blog) because you created several pins and descriptions, Pinterest will consider it new content.

Always create more than one pin and description with keywords when you create a blog post or product.


Pinterest now allows you to add hashtags to your descriptions. Add 2-3 hashtags to your board descriptions and your pin descriptions.

Bonus: Promoted Pins

Keywords are an essential tool when promoting pins on Pinterest. A considerable benefit of keywords when promoting pins is that you get to use 25+ keywords to reach your audience. If you've ever considered promoting pins on Pinterest, this step is key to market to your desired audience.

Keywords are important. For your website and your Pinterest business account. This blog post has a list of several ways to look for keywords. 

Are you new to Pinterest and need to know how to get started. Check out this series of posts on creating the perfect Pinterest business account. 

Need help with your Pinterest business account, I’m here to help. Schedule a time to chat with me and let’s get to work!


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