Crush Your Next Virtual Assistant Discovery Call

It's no secret that the discovery call is one of the most crucial parts of any virtual assistant opportunity. With so much at stake during discovery calls, you need a foolproof strategy to run these conversations.  Discovery calls are a chance for your dream client to learn about you and your business. At the same time, it's a chance for you to learn whether or not this client is a good fit for your business.

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What Is A Discovery Call

A discovery call is an introductory conversation with a possible dream client after showing initial interest in your services. It's an opportunity to get to know the client to see if they could be a good fit for your business. During this call, you should find out the prospect's pain points, understand their needs, and help them see why you are the perfect virtual assistant to help them achieve the goals for their business. These calls usually happen after you have piqued your client's interest in your services through social media, Pinterest, or, if you're lucky, a Google search. 

How Long Should A Discovery Call Last

A discovery call should be no shorter than 15 minutes but no longer than 30. When you create a structured strategy for your discovery calls, this should be enough time to find out all of the pre-information you need from a potential dream client and enough time for you to show them you are their dream virtual assistant. 

What Happens During A Discovery Call

Discovery calls also allow you to ask questions about your dream client's needs, goals, and pain points. Later in the discovery call process, this information is helpful when you are ready to show them how you can solve their problem. Instead of giving a general pitch, you can explain how your virtual assistant services can solve their specific pain points. 

Your discovery call script must quickly establish you as the expert. How quickly and efficiently you can answer questions about the services you provide is an integral part of the discovery call process. Asking the right discovery call questions allows you to control the conversation. It also ensures that you and the client both get value from the discussion on the call. If your client starts going down a rabbit hole and veers off-topic, then you can reel it back in to stay on track and within your designated time limit. 

How Do You Prepare For A Discovery Call

In preparation for a discovery call, learn as much as you can about your potential dream client before the discovery call. This preparation and research will help you make the most of the call. Use the research you gather to create a plan and call strategy that includes questions about their business and questions that will allow them to describe, in detail, what their pain point is. 

The first few minutes of a virtual assistant discovery call set the tone for the rest of the discovery call. Start by quickly reviewing what you want to learn during the call, so it's clear to your potential client that you respect their time. Keep the conversation balanced between you talking and the client talking so you have a chance to learn pain points so you can address them when you describe how you can solve their problem.

What Should You Do After A Discovery Call

Creating a clear discovery call strategy is very important for your virtual assistant business. The discovery call is the turning point in your dream client's journey. It determines what steps in the sales process you should take. To ensure a successful outcome, you should outline your discovery call strategy and research information about your prospect beforehand. A discovery call helps you build a relationship with your potential client but can also bring in new referrals. A well-thought-out discovery call usually boils down to asking the right questions and helping your potential client see your services as the solution to their pain point. 


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