Virtual Assistant, Discovery Call Raquell Barton Virtual Assistant, Discovery Call Raquell Barton

The Anatomy of a Discovery Call

So, you have a client that might want to work with you? How exciting! The next step is to set up a discovery call. The purpose of the call is for your and your potential client to decide whether working together would be beneficial. Learn the anatomy of a discovery call so you can go from call to client in a few easy steps.

What is a discovery call?

So, you have a client that might want to work with you? How exciting! The next step is to set up a discovery call with them. These are typically 30-minute calls held over Zoom or another video conferencing software.

The purpose of the call is for your and your potential client to decide whether working together would be beneficial. Don’t forget that you’re also there to interview them to see if you want them as clients. Also, remember that you are in charge of the call, not them. You are an entrepreneur and CEO of your own business, not an employee of theirs.

Before the call

Get to know them as much as possible before the call. Ideally, you have asked them to answer questions about themselves, their business, and their pain points before the call and can do some research before the call begins.

Take a look at their website and anything else that may be available. Come up with a few services that might help them solve their pain points. Write down a few compliments or things you like about what you found to mention throughout the call.

READ: How To Turn Your Corporate Skills Into A VA Business

Discovery call template and script

Intro: Spend the first few minutes chatting with them. Introduce yourself and thank them for joining the call. If you need something to say, this is a perfect time to mention the compliment you wrote down during your research.

Example: “Hi! I am so excited to talk to you. Thanks for being here! My name is…, and I help business owners find efficiencies that help them grow their businesses. I looked at your website, and I love your [insert compliment from your research].

Share your discovery call template: Tell them what the call will be about and what you want to cover. This will help you set yourself up as the expert in the call and help them trust you!

Example: “This will be a 30-minute call to discuss you, your business, and how I can help you get where you want to be! Does that feel good to you?”

Ask about them: This is your chance to learn more about them and what they need from a VA. It will also help you determine how nervous they might be to outsource some tasks. Some sample discovery call questions to ask are:

  • Tell me more about your business.

  • What do you need help with?

  • What systems or software do you use?

  • Where would you like to be a year from now?

  • Have you ever outsourced before?

  • Do you have any questions for me?

Pitch: After listening to what they might need out of a VA, it’s time to pitch your services. Make sure to use their words when suggesting your services.

Example: “Thanks for sharing more about your business. I want you to know that I know trusting someone with your business is scary, and I understand how important this business is to you. I would love to help you… It sounds like you are struggling with [pain point they mentioned]. I have experience managing [solution to a pain point they mentioned] for clients and would be happy to manage that process so you can [their goal for their business that they can’t reach because of the pain point].”

Money: This is the scary part. Here is where you share what you charge. Don’t oversell or undersell yourself here. Just state your prices and sit back calmly and wait for their response.

Example: “I have a few different packages and payment options. They are [list your prices]. Let me know your thoughts.”

Follow-up: If they agree and want to sign up now, thank them and share how excited you are to work together. Then, let them know the next steps of your onboarding process. If they say no or have to think about it, ask them what is holding them back while validating any emotions they may have. Try to answer all their questions on the call, but if you need to, allow them some time to think it over and send them a follow-up email or set up a follow-up call.

Remember that the potential client is joining the discovery call because they already want to work with you! Just follow the script above, and you will do great.

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How to Conquer Your Fear of Discovery Calls

So, you’ve finally received your first discovery call! Congratulations! After the initial excitement wears off, the nerves set in. Do you want to make a great impression but have no idea how? Maybe your social anxiety is kicking in, and you’re nervous about how to start the call? Maybe your fear is even telling you that you should cancel! Well, don’t cancel. We are all nervous during our first call, but I am here to help you conquer your fear of discovery calls. Let’s prepare, book, and (eventually) love discovery calls!

So, you’ve finally received your first discovery call! Congratulations! After the initial excitement wears off, the nerves set in. Do you want to make a great impression but have no idea how? Maybe your social anxiety is kicking in, and you’re nervous about how to start the call? Maybe your fear is even telling you that you should cancel! Well, don’t cancel. We are all nervous during our first call, but I am here to help you conquer your fear of discovery calls. I will help you prepare, book, and (eventually) love discovery calls!

How to Prepare for a Discovery Call

Research their business: Whether you research their business on the internet or by asking them questions during the call, make sure you understand them and their needs.

Write down questions beforehand: If there is a lull in conversation or you’re too nervous to remember your questions, you can reference the list you make.

While it’s important to understand their industry and product or service offerings, it is just as important to ask them questions about the following. 

1.      What problem are you trying to solve by hiring a VA? This will help you determine if your skills and passion align with theirs. If they are trying to build brand awareness, but your passion isn’t brand strategy, you may not be a good fit.

2.      What is your business’s most significant pain point? Similar to the question above, this question will help you define your success. If their most significant pain point is a lack of processes to help them organize business expenses, then you know exactly what pain point you will want to solve first.

3.      Have you ever outsourced before? This will help you understand if they have any collaboration tools and procedures in place to help you work together or if you should take the lead on that. It also enables you to determine their comfortability with outsourcing and if extra communication and support may be needed before moving forward.

4.      What do you know about me and my services? Are there any questions I can answer? This helps you see if there are any misconceptions about your skills that you can correct. It also enables you to understand what they look for in a VA and what they like most about you.

Know your pitch: Make sure you know exactly what you offer and the price points for each service. For example, make sure you know:

  • How you would like to charge your clients, either by the hour or by the project,

  • How you would like to communicate throughout the project, through email, a project management software like Trello or Slack, or through video calls,

  • How many hours you can dedicate to the client and what they can request in that time, and

  • How your specific skill set can make things easier for them.

Practice: Practice your opener, including introducing yourself, your business, and outlining the direction you would like the call to take. Being confident at the beginning of the call sets the tone. Also, make sure to be flexible. There is no perfect discovery call, so release any expectations of perfection.

Also, practice your call to action. Whether you ask them to sign with you today or ask for another call, make sure you have some options under your belt that you can use depending on how the conversation goes. Here are some examples of calls to action to use at the end of a call.

After our talk, I really believe I can help you achieve [Prospective Client Goal]. Are you ready to get started?

I know this is a big decision. I will send you the contract later today, and then I will give you a quick phone call tomorrow at 2 p.m. to answer any questions. Does that time work for you?

READ: How To Pay Yourself As A Virtual Assistant and Track Your Finances

How to Love Discovery Calls

You’re passionate about what you do, right?

This is your time to share that passion with a potential client. Tell them why you love to do what you do and how you could help their business. Don’t shy away from sharing your desire to help them. That’s why they’re here, too; they need help.

Accept there are answers you won’t know.

There are always questions people will ask that you won’t know the answer to immediately. Give yourself a break and understand that no one expects you to have all the answers! Take this time to be honest, and let them know that you will follow up with that information. Just make sure to include the information they asked for in your follow-up thank you email to them, as soon as you can. 

Have fun!

While the discovery call is a sales call, it shouldn’t always feel like one. This quote by Maya Angelou always helps me reframe discovery calls, “I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” So, instead of bombarding your prospective client with all of your ideas, testimonials, and offerings, take some time to have fun and get to know them. They will remember how you made them feel, and it takes some pressure off you when there is no expectation of perfection.

How to Book More Discovery Calls

Once you start to love discovery calls, you will try to avoid them less and less! Put the call to action to schedule a discovery call everywhere you can. If you have a website, put it there. If you have an Instagram, put it in your bio. You can even put the link in your email signature.

If you have a social media platform, talk about your discovery calls there. Talk about what you cover during them and how much you enjoy getting to know prospective clients. This will help people understand why they’re important and they will feel less scared about booking with you!

The best way to book more discovery calls is to ask for referrals from your current clients or even prospective clients. Even if you have a discovery call with someone whose needs don’t align with your skills, ask them to share your information with anyone who may need it in the future. You can even offer a discount to a future client that they refer. Then, even if they don’t sign with you, your time is not lost!

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Raquell Barton Raquell Barton

How To Turn Your Corporate Skills into a VA Business

Are you ready to step out of the corporate world and into your own virtual assistant business? Virtual assistants can customize their offerings based on their experience. Digital marketers can become social media managers and marketing virtual assistants. Corporate administrative assistants or executive assistants can transfer their skills and become general administration VA’s. Find out how!

What is a virtual assistant?

A virtual assistant or VA is typically someone who completes any number of administrative tasks for a small business. In recent years, this definition has expanded. Now a lot of virtual assistants are experts in their field. VAs run their own business, so they are not an employee of anyone and typically work remotely.

How can I use my corporate skills to offer services as a VA?

Virtual assistants can customize their offerings based on their experience. So, digital marketers can become social media managers and marketing virtual assistants. Corporate administrative assistants or executive assistants can transfer their skills and become a general administration VA. Many virtual assistants also offer high-level specialized skills like website development, video production, course creation, accounting services, copywriting, etc. You can find a virtual assistant niche that fits your skills no matter your corporate career.

Your corporate experience is invaluable as a virtual assistant, so include it somewhere on your portfolio or website! Whether you include the actual work as part of your portfolio or list your expertise elsewhere, your previous jobs are relevant and essential to include when creating your virtual assistant business. 

READ: Can You Become A Virtual Assistant With No Experience

How to become a virtual assistant

1.       Pick your services and price them

When selecting the services you will offer, keep potential clients in mind. If you have niched down to a specific industry, research what needs that community may have. For example, if your previous job was working for a fashion and beauty company as a digital marketer, you may want to offer services that speak to that specific community. If you were an accountant for a tech company, they would have specific needs you can fill.

Then, it is time to price your services. The best pricing can be created by considering your experience, financial need, and the market rate for your services.

For example, if you want to make $75,000 per year, you must:

  • Add around 20%-30% to that amount to cover your taxes, meaning your total income would need to be $97,500. (This is just an estimate. Speak to a tax representative to get a better idea of how much to add.)

  • Decide how much you want to work. For this example, we will use 35 hours per week. So, if you want to work 35 hours per week and make $97,500, you will need to bring in $8,125 per month and about $55.75 per hour. This might not be how you price your services, depending on your skillset and the market rate for your services, but it can help you understand how to get your business where you want it to be.

2.       Figure out your systems

So you’ve decided what services you will offer and to what audience, now it’s time to ensure the customer experience is the best it can be. Select systems and software that will help you onboard clients, foster communication and collaboration, and get paid. There are many options to make your experience and your client’s experiences even better.

3.       Marketing plan

Now it is time to find clients. When creating your marketing plan, focus on where your clients are. Are they in Facebook groups for small businesses? Are they on Instagram marketing their own business? Are they searching “How to market my photography business?” on Google? Wherever they may be, meet them where they are. Start genuine conversations where you can be helpful and present yourself as an expert in your field.

Virtual assistant training

While all your work experience is transferrable to creating your online business, being an entrepreneur can be very different from the corporate experience. This is why it can be beneficial to hire a Virtual Assistant Coach. Coaches are usually virtual assistants that have figured out the secret key to success and are ready to help others find that same success. They help aspiring virtual assistants start their businesses, find their first clients, and set up processes that create exceptional client experiences. They also help established virtual assistants scale their business, increase their income, and build efficiencies to save time. 

Are you interested in hiring a VA Coach? Check out my new Coach for a Month program that begins on November 1st.

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Raquell Barton Raquell Barton

Crush Your Next Virtual Assistant Discovery Call

Discovery calls don't have to be so daunting! A successful discovery call can turn a lead into a dream client for your virtual assistant business. Learn these four simple tips that will help you crush discovery calls in your online business, so that you can land your ideal clients with ease! These tips are sure to help you stand out to dream clients on your calls and ultimately turn them into paying clients!

It's no secret that the discovery call is one of the most crucial parts of any virtual assistant opportunity. With so much at stake during discovery calls, you need a foolproof strategy to run these conversations.  Discovery calls are a chance for your dream client to learn about you and your business. At the same time, it's a chance for you to learn whether or not this client is a good fit for your business.

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What Is A Discovery Call

A discovery call is an introductory conversation with a possible dream client after showing initial interest in your services. It's an opportunity to get to know the client to see if they could be a good fit for your business. During this call, you should find out the prospect's pain points, understand their needs, and help them see why you are the perfect virtual assistant to help them achieve the goals for their business. These calls usually happen after you have piqued your client's interest in your services through social media, Pinterest, or, if you're lucky, a Google search. 

How Long Should A Discovery Call Last

A discovery call should be no shorter than 15 minutes but no longer than 30. When you create a structured strategy for your discovery calls, this should be enough time to find out all of the pre-information you need from a potential dream client and enough time for you to show them you are their dream virtual assistant. 

What Happens During A Discovery Call

Discovery calls also allow you to ask questions about your dream client's needs, goals, and pain points. Later in the discovery call process, this information is helpful when you are ready to show them how you can solve their problem. Instead of giving a general pitch, you can explain how your virtual assistant services can solve their specific pain points. 

Your discovery call script must quickly establish you as the expert. How quickly and efficiently you can answer questions about the services you provide is an integral part of the discovery call process. Asking the right discovery call questions allows you to control the conversation. It also ensures that you and the client both get value from the discussion on the call. If your client starts going down a rabbit hole and veers off-topic, then you can reel it back in to stay on track and within your designated time limit. 

How Do You Prepare For A Discovery Call

In preparation for a discovery call, learn as much as you can about your potential dream client before the discovery call. This preparation and research will help you make the most of the call. Use the research you gather to create a plan and call strategy that includes questions about their business and questions that will allow them to describe, in detail, what their pain point is. 

The first few minutes of a virtual assistant discovery call set the tone for the rest of the discovery call. Start by quickly reviewing what you want to learn during the call, so it's clear to your potential client that you respect their time. Keep the conversation balanced between you talking and the client talking so you have a chance to learn pain points so you can address them when you describe how you can solve their problem.

What Should You Do After A Discovery Call

Creating a clear discovery call strategy is very important for your virtual assistant business. The discovery call is the turning point in your dream client's journey. It determines what steps in the sales process you should take. To ensure a successful outcome, you should outline your discovery call strategy and research information about your prospect beforehand. A discovery call helps you build a relationship with your potential client but can also bring in new referrals. A well-thought-out discovery call usually boils down to asking the right questions and helping your potential client see your services as the solution to their pain point. 

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Lifestyle Raquell Barton Lifestyle Raquell Barton

Why Every Virtual Assistant Should Take Time for Self-Care

The life of a small business owner or entrepreneur can be hectic and sometimes stressful. Your to-do list keeps growing and you want to see results; you want to see progress. Practicing self-care is essential to stay healthy and happy for you, your business, and your family. Get these 13 easy self care tips for virtual assistants and small business owners to help you balance your 9-5, your family, and your dream business.

As someone working hard to pivot and build a coaching business, when I also have a full time job, it is incredibly difficult to make time for myself unless I schedule it in. 

If you're anything like me your day is packed with "stuff to do." 

If you have a 9-5 like I do, that means your day doesn't 5. 

And if you have little ones at home, having a moment to yourself isn't easy to come by. 

When you get home your day is far from over.

You have to help with homework, cook and get dinner on the table, clean, spend quality time with your significant other, read to the kiddos, get them ready for bed, throw a load of clothes in the I need to go on? 

How do you balance a 9-5, your family, and starting a business with self care? 

Self care you need so you can continue to do "all the stuff" and still be a productive person in each aspect of your life. 

What Is Self Care?

According to Everyday Health, “Self-care is not synonymous with self-indulgence or being selfish. Self-care means taking care of yourself so that you can be healthy, you can be well, you can do your job, you can help and care for others, and you can do all the things you need to and want to accomplish in a day.” me, self care looks different for everybody. Carving out time for self-care, even if it’s only 15 minutes a day, is essential for you to care for others and run your business. Practicing self-care is essential to stay healthy and happy. Self-care is so important if you want to keep you and your business running because what use would you be to your family or your business if you’re not happy and healthy?

Why Self Care Is Important For Virtual Assistants and Small Business Owners

Let’s get real here. Running a business is hard. And the tasks that keep your business moving forward are not going to stop. It’s hectic and it’s stressful and rewarding. But what you don’t want to happen is anything in your business or your family life slipping through the cracks because you haven’t taken the proper steps to take care  of yourself. 

These self care tips are for you if:

  • You struggle to find enough hours or minutes in the day for yourself

  • You feel guilt whenever you’re not working or doing for your family

  • You’re stressed and frazzled and feel like you’re on a never ending hamster wheel

  • Your health has taken a back seat because you haven’t made it a priority

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13 Simple Self-Care Activities For Virtual Assistants and Small Business Owners

Sleep In

I’m going to let you in on a little secret. I love naps. I have ever since I was a teenager. What I love more though - sleeping in. Especially on a Saturday. Now, I know this may be hard if you have little ones at home, but if you can bargain with your kiddos or your significant other, try to sleep in at least one Saturday every month. 

Make The Most Of Your Commute By Listening To A Podcast

I love listening to business podcasts. Especially if they help me level up my business. My commute to and from work is about 10-15 minutes. I use that time each and every morning to listen to one of my favorite podcasts. Yes, it’s business related, but I find it relaxing and the self-care I need to get me in the mood to jump start my creativity when it comes to my business. 

Schedule Free Time

If you keep a calendar and literally schedule every second of your day, schedule in your free time. Even if it’s only 30 minutes once a week. Schedule in some time to sit and meditate, read, or watch a favorite TV show. 

Spend Time With Friends

If you have a best-friend or a group of friends, don’t forget that you need your girl time. I have a best friend (30 year friendship) and a group of friends (20 years) that I love dearly and I love spending time with. The friendship and the laughter is so cathartic to my soul. In fact, we’re taking a girls trip to New Orleans in a couple of weeks to celebrate a birthday. I can’t wait! 

Get Enough Sleep

I’m a night owl. I admit it. I am my most productive at night and that’s terrible for a person who loves to sleep AND who loves naps. But I cut myself off at a certain time every night to make sure I get enough sleep so I’ll be productive the next day.  

Read An Engaging Novel or Work of Nonfiction

I love to read. It’s one of the reasons my 9-5 is as a high school librarian. I get to spend my day surrounded by books and I help teenagers develop a true passion for reading. My favorite genre is mystery. There is nothing like escaping into a mystery novel trying to figure out who-done-it! I don’t read non-fiction as much as I should, but I don’t discount the helpfulness of non-fiction novels, especially if they help me in my business. 

Get a Manicure and Pedicure

Okay ladies, this is one of my indulgences. I get a manicure and a pedicure at least once every two weeks. I’m not a shopper, I don’t like going to malls unless it’s an outlet and I’m on vacation. If you see me in a mall it’s because I’m shopping for a specific item and once I find it, I’m out. Seriously. But I LOVE a mani-pedi. You will never catch this girl without cute fingers and toes. 

Binge Watch A Short TV Series (6-8 episodes)

I’m a TV watcher. I admit it. There are some shows that come on every week that are a must watch for me. But something I love to do is binge watch short series so I’m one, maybe two days, and done. Working my 9-5 and running my business takes up a lot of my time but I will take a Saturday or Sunday afternoon, if I can, and binge watch shows I’ve recorded throughout the week or a series I’ve been wanting to watch in one afternoon. How many of you watched Bridgerton? 

Get a 1-Hour Massage

This is a recent indulgence. Once a month I go get a massage. About 6 months ago I started having severe pain in my neck and shoulders because of the amount of time I spend watching a computer screen. So I get a massage once a month to help alleviate the pain. 


Now this is one I need to start. It’s been so hot out that it’s hard to walk around a track without the heat beating on my neck and I’m not an early riser. Remember, I love to sleep in and take naps. But this is something I need to start. I encourage you to do so as well. Even if it’s a short walk around your neighborhood. 

Get A Hobby

My hobby is reading but if there’s something you’ve been wanting to try, knitting, painting, pottery, etc. why don’t you spend a little time and invest in a hobby. 

Establish A Routine

If you have young children or kids involved in lots of activities, this is a must. Like the schedule I mentioned above. Establish a routine for everything: mornings, evenings, bedtime, when you’re going to work on your business, AND your self care. If you make it a habit, part of your routine, you’ll never miss doing it. 

Take Breaks

This may be an unpopular opinion, but take mini-breaks away from your business. Your to-do list is always going to be there. Your social media is always going to be there. But taking a short break away from your business is a must to re-energize and re-focus. 

Well, that’s it. Add one or two of these self-care activities to your routine. 

Remember, no matter how much you need to do in your business to tick off boxes on your to-do list; no matter how much your family needs you to help them do “all the stuff” -  you should always take a few minutes to yourself each and every day. 

You’ll be happier if you do.

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Raquell Barton Raquell Barton

Can You Become A Virtual Assistant With No Experience

Are you wondering how to become a virtual assistant with no experience? Learn how to start a virtual assistant business, decide what services to offer as a VA, and how it is totally possible for you to start your business with no experience. Learn what some virtual assistants do in their business, how much money you can make, and the benefits of hiring a VA. Get a step-by-step action to start your VA business today!

If you’re thinking about starting an online business, being a virtual assistant just might be your answer, especially if you want to work from home. Each passing day as the world becomes more digital, technology has streamlined business and communication, flipping the traditional business model of working a 9-5 sitting in an office on its head.

From the palm of your hand most businesses have made it easy to order anything you need: food, clothes, groceries...even alcohol. You can even visit with your doctor virtually. 

The number of online businesses that have sprung up in the last year and a half is astronomical. And you know what, the CEO’s and owners of those businesses need help. 

It’s possible they need that help virtually. 

The question is, can you become a virtual assistant with no experience? 

What is a Virtual Assistant? 

A virtual assistant can fill the same role as a secretary, administrative assistant or executive assistant, a role that is often unappreciated but essential to running a business. A virtual assistant can also assume the role of a project manager, as well as marketing, and sales. 

What are some of the other tasks a virtual assistant can do? 

  • Social Media Management

  • Graphic Design

  • Email Marketing

  • Answering the Phone

  • Bookkeeping

  • Research

  • Editing

  • Proofreading

  • Data Entry

  • Creating PowerPoints

  • Event Management

  • Booking Travel

  • Scheduling

  • Recruitment

  • Video Editing

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How Much Money Can A Virtual Assistant Make

 Depending on the type of virtual assistant you are, because of your specific experience or the task, you could make as much as $50 an hour. A general virtual assistant can charge $25 an hour. However, a graphic designer or website designer could charge as much as $50 because of the specific expertise. 

What Are The Benefits of Hiring a Virtual Assistant?

Low overhead for one. 

A virtual assistant who works from home does not require health insurance, benefits and uses their own equipment. 

Even if you have no specific experience doing any of the above, you can leverage other skills to begin a virtual assistant business.

  • Attention to detail

  • The ability to prioritize and multitask

  • Excellent people and communication skills

  • Organization skills

  • You can learn quickly and problem solve

  • You’re quick to respond when needed

If you’re interested in becoming a virtual assistant but you’re not sure where to start, get my free step-by-step resource for supporting you on your own VA journey.  This resource will take you from A to Z from setting up the foundations of your business to systems you need to have in place to create a dynamic client experience. 

Download the Step by Step Action Plan To Set Up Your VA Business and start your virtual assistant business today! 

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Raquell Barton Raquell Barton

Virtual Assistant 101: Setting Your Virtual Assistant Rates

Starting a Virtual Assistant business but not sure what or how to charge? Learn the difference between packages and hourly rates and how to set your rates so you get paid fairly for your valuable time and expertise. Click to read more on how to price your services and set your Virtual Assistant rates and packages with confidence.

Deciding whether or not to charge by the hour or a monthly package rate for your Virtual Assistant business can be a daunting task. You need to make sure you have all the necessary information before you begin to save yourself from a lot of time and frustration. Consider each item below before you decide on hourly rates or packages for your virtual assistant business.

What Will Your Expenses Be As A Virtual Assistant

Let’s face’re going to have expenses. Yes, there are a lot of free tools out there you can use as a virtual assistant that are free. I have a whole blog post about it, but sooner or will have expenses. Whether it’s paying for blog hosting, using the pro version of Canva for your graphics, or Tailwind to schedule your posts to Pinterest, you will have monthly or yearly expenses. These expenses need to be calculated before you decide if you want to charge hourly or package rates. 

What Does Being A Booked Out Virtual Assistant Mean To You

This is the main question you need to ask yourself. How much money do you want to bring in every month? Are you looking to bring in a little money to help your family every month? Are you trying to replace your 9-5 salary? This is going to look different for everyone. When I started my virtual assistant business, booked out meant bringing in $500 a month. 

That’s it. 

For real.

I wasn’t trying to replace my 9-5 salary. I know a lot of people begin a virtual assistant business because they have a soul-sucking job. That wasn’t me. I have a day-job that I absolutely love and I’m not trying to leave it any time soon. What I did have were personal reasons I needed my virtual assistant business.  I had just separated from my ex-husband and I needed the extra money and this is what I calculated I needed. This may not be the case for you so you need to decide what booked out means to you! 

Do You Want To Be Paid For Your Time or For Your Expertise

Don’t make the mistake and think your workload is based on the number of clients you have because it’s not. 

What you charge as a virtual assistant should be based on one of three things: 

  1. The number of billable hours you work each month

  2. The number of packages you need each month

  3. The number of projects you want to have each month

So let’s talk about each one…

Should You Charge A Billable Hourly Rate For Your Virtual Assistant Business

If you are a general virtual assistant, you may want to consider charging by the hour. A general virtual assistant's tasks can include email management, answering the phone, customer service, data entry, research, scheduling travel, etc. For these types of tasks you may want to charge by the hour. 

Let’s break that down with an actual number.

To bring in $2000 per month at $25 per hour you need to work 80 hours per month. Now, what does that mean when it comes to clients? You need either two clients to pay you to work 40 hours a month or 4 clients to pay you to work 20 hours per month. It’s a simple calculation. But think about it this way…you’re only working  20 hours per week versus what a person with a 9-5 making 40. You also get to set your own hours and you have more time to spend with your family. But know that you’re going to have to be very strategic with your time and use a program like Toggl to track your time each month so you can present it to your clients at the end of the month when it’s time to bill them. 

Should You Create Monthly Packages For Your Virtual Assistant Business

Maybe you don’t want to track your time. If you don’t, then consider packages instead of charging hourly. Or, maybe you have a specialized skill-set you want to bundle together.  For example, a Pinterest Virtual Assistant can package monthly services by offering to create 20 Pinterest graphics per month, Pinterest strategy, Tailwind management, scheduling 5-30 pins per day, email support, a monthly report, and one 30-minute update phone call per month for $550 per month. This type of rate is also good for social media VAs, email marketing VAs, copywriting VAs, etc. You won’t have to track your time and as long as you complete all of your promised package deliverables, your client will be happy. Breaking these packages down means this Pinterest VA needs 4 clients per month to make $2000. 

Do You Have A Specialized Virtual Assistant Service That Requires Project Based Rates

Projects are based on scope. Scope means what you’re creating and delivering to the client is unique. The difference between a project and a package is during the discovery call you and the client will determine the scope of the project. This is what a client pays for - the uniqueness of the project because it is specific to them.  It’s not based on hours. By being paid for your expertise you have the ability to earn more money and the ability to free up your time because you’ll know exactly how much time it will take you to complete the project. An example of a project is a Wordpress site or a Squarespace site. Or, maybe someone who sets up your onboarding process in Dubsado. Projects require a start and finish; a one and done type of structure. So, make sure you receive 50% up front before you begin a project of this type.  

So, if we break this down with the same $2000 above and you charge $750 per project, you need to complete 3 projects per month to make the amount you need. 

Whatever decision you make: hourly, packages or project-based, decide what your rate will be and stick to it. As a new virtual assistant starting out you may be tempted to take whatever client comes your way and accept whatever they want to pay you. Don’t do that. You are a professional and you are worth the rate you set. 

Are you ready to begin your VA business? Get my helpful free resource for supporting you on your own VA journey. Download the Step by Step Action Plan To Set Up Your VA Business.

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Virtual Assistant Raquell Barton Virtual Assistant Raquell Barton

Is It Time For You To Outsource To A Virtual Assistant

Not enough time in the day to get everything done? Is it time to start outsourcing work for your online business? If you want your business to experience growth and expansion, planning to outsource tasks is a must. Still on the fence, check out these outsourcing tips which give you an insight into how you can outsource to a Virtual Assistant on a budget. #smallbusiness #onlinebusiness #entrepreneur #solopreneur #onlinebusinesstips #smallbusinesstips #businesstips #skyrocketvirtualsolutions

Does this sound like you?

I can't afford to outsource.

How do I know who to hire?

I'm fine doing it all myself. 

So many small business owners consider outsourcing to be a benefit of success, something they'll do when money is flowing in, and clients are pounding on the door.

But here's a hard truth: that may never happen if you're stretched too thin! 

Waiting for everything in your business to all line up a certain way can result in a massive waste of your precious time.

Three Signs You Need To Hire A Virtual Assistant 

  1. You're generally on top of everything, but lately, you've been feeling frazzled and anxious about getting it all done, and you've made a few mistakes. 

  2. The business you used to love has started to feel like a "job," and every day, you're feeling more exhausted and worn out, and throwing in the towel has crossed your mind more than once. 

  3. You have so many amazing ideas but you don't have time to focus on them right now. 

  4. Did I just read your mind?

If you're running a successful business there is going to come a time when you need help. 

You need to delegate. 

You need to outsource. 

You need to invest in YOU! 

You need to hire a Virtual Assistant!


A Few Thing You Can Do When You're Ready To Hire A Virtual Assistant

  1. Have a clear idea of the tasks you want to outsource (think about the time-consuming stuff you'd love to have someone else do).

  2. Know your budget, but understand that experience (talent and skill) comes at a cost. 

  3. Connect with your network. Who do you follow on social media? Who are your business buddies? There is probably someone in your online circle that provides the service you need or can give you a recommendation.

  4. If you do a job opp in a Facebook group - USE A GOOGLE FORM or TypeForm to collect contact information!!! I can not stress this enough. Don't have people DM you, email you, or leave their data in the comments. YOU WILL GET OVERWHELMED with the responses and the notifications. Set the form to STOP accepting, or you'll keep getting answers. 

  5. If you find someone from your social media circle, engage with them in some form of communication (DM's/ email) and see if you think they're a good fit. Then, set up a Zoom call (you need that face-to-face contact too). 

  6. If you post in a group, have a clear deadline (see #4) when you're going to stop taking applications and then pick 5-7 applicants and again, set up a Zoom call to meet with them and make a decision from there. 

  7. BRAIN DUMP! That's right! You need to brain dump!!! Pull out your cell phone/iPad or open up a Google Doc/Word doc and just start unloading it all. What should you brain dump? All those tasks you hate doing. The tasks that are a waste of your time. Everything you wish someone else would do. Skills that are not in your zone of genius.

After you complete this list – let it sit for a day or two and then come back to it. Delete or add to the list. Then, prioritize the first three things you want your new assistant to take over. 


Things To Avoid When Looking For A Virtual Assistant

  1. Don't ask for free "trial periods" or extensive work to be done regularly. 

  2. Don't ask for long or detailed project proposals from everyone, and then don't follow up or contact. (See#4 above about using forms to collect the applicant information you need).

  3. Don't feel obligated (or cheap) and hire the first person/most affordable person if they don't seem like a good fit.

  4. Don't come to your first meet up (Zoom) unprepared. 

It's a big step when you're ready to hire a Virtual Assistant for the first time. It means your business is growing and you need help. 

Whoever you decide to hire, they should be able to complete tasks promptly and assist you in freeing up your schedule so you can operate in your zone of genius. 

An excellent strategy to implement when you hire a virtual assistant: start your virtual assistant off with one small project or task and then add to her workload as time progresses. 

Why A Virtual Assistant Is Different Than Working with an In-Person Assistant

Working with a VA is very different than having an in-person administrative assistant or an employee. Here are a couple of key differences:

  1. A Virtual Assistant works a designated number of hours. Although you may (together) set specific due dates for particular tasks, a virtual assistant can complete those tasks at any time of the day they choose. I, for one love, to work late at night when my house is quiet, and I don't have to worry about interruptions like the phone ringing or text messages from friends and family. 

  2. When you hire a Virtual Assistant, they are going to come to you with a specific set of skills that will not require any, or minimal training. One of the benefits of hiring a VA is you can hire someone who already knows how to complete the task you need them to do, so there is no learning curve, and you don't have to spend a week or two training them to do what you need them to do. As a Pinterest Manager, I already know how to optimize a Pinterest business account, sync it with Tailwind and read analytics. So, when a business owner hires me to manage their Pinterest account, I can jump right in and get started. In contrast, when I needed my Dubsado account set up – I outsourced that task to someone else because I didn't want to take the time to "learn" Dubsado. I knew the immediate benefit of Dubsado after a client introduced it to me. Now that it's all set up – my systems run like clockwork. 


The Mindset You Need To Hire A Virtual Assistant

Outsourcing is a huge step for any small business owner. It means giving up control over specific tasks in your business. But it's also your first step toward scaling your business so it can grow.

If you're thinking about outsourcing, there's a mindset you need to cultivate first.

  1. Learn to let go. Don't get it twisted - you're not giving up total control, but you're learning how to shift your focus and trust someone else to handle all the little details you don't need to focus on because you're SCALING UP.

  2. Outsourcing costs money. How much does it cost? That all depends on you. You may want to start small - 5 hours per month, 10 hours per month. Please don't walk into outsourcing, thinking you have to spend $500 a month. Depending on what you need, you can spend as little as $125. Find someone who can work within YOUR budget. I'm not saying be CHEAP! Never that. But if your budget is $150. Then that's all you need to spend. 

  3. Managing others is not fun. You ARE the boss...but sometimes that doesn't necessarily mean you have employees. However, when you outsource - it means you'll be checking in with someone regularly to make sure the tasks you assign them get completed. What it doesn't mean is standing over someone's shoulder. Once you complete the trial and training period, other than a weekly check-in, a virtual assistant requires "little" management. 

Do These Three Things When You're Ready To Hire A Virtual Assistant

Start small.

Although you may have a to-do list that's a mile long that you'd LOVE to outsource to a Virtual Assistant - why not start small. If you're not sure if outsourcing specific tasks are right for you, try hiring a VA for a few hours each month to take responsibilities off your hands strategically. 

For example, you can assign your Virtual Assistant customer service or email management. It won't be much in the beginning, but starting with only a few hours per month will be an excellent way for you to determine whether or not outsourcing is right for you. 

Is outsourcing worth it?

Paying someone to complete a task you know how to do is hard. But if your return on investment far outweighs that time you spend completing that task - you need to outsource. Think about what you could be doing for your online business with the time you're not spending completing those tasks. 

For example, if you hire a Virtual Assistant for 5 hours per month and you use those 5 hours working with a client or creating a product you're going to sell, you've covered the cost of your VA right there. 

Dedicate funds to outsource.

Based on the amount of income you bring in every month, dedicate a portion of it outsourcing. Determine if you can set outside 10% or 20% of your income to outsource to a VA. 

For example, if you're a blogger, you could 20% of your affiliate income to cover outsourcing costs. If your income is consistent, then allocating this amount in your budget won't feel like an excessive expense.

A lot of us cringe at the thought of handing off tasks to a total stranger, and the excuses start to flow like the ones I stated above plus, "I can't justify that expense," or "I'll outsource when I start making $XYZ per month."

I know you've said it.

You decide it's cheaper and easier to do everything yourself, even when you're struggling to keep up with your workload and get it all done. You decide that outsourcing will just have to wait.

But in most cases, outsourcing can not and should not wait. Outsourcing specific tasks like social media or email management or content creation could be the most significant step toward expanding your businesses!

Do you need a Virtual Assistant or a Pinterest Manager, check out my services page and let’s chat.

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How To Use Canva For Your Online Business

Are you starting your online business and need a way to create beautiful graphics without breaking the bank? Canva is a great tool to use to create beautiful graphics. And it’s free!!! Need a logo? Social media graphics? Help with branding? Portfolio? Canva has a template for EVERYTHING!!! Check out this blog post and find out how the savvy entrepreneur or small business owner can use Canva to help scale their business.

Running a business, especially as a small business owner or an entrepreneur, can be stressful! If you’re a small business owner or entrepreneur, you probably do ALL THE JOBS!!! You are responsible for your own tech support, social media management, content creation, business strategy, selling your service or product, and business finances. Not to mention finding clients!!!

And that’s not all, is it?

You are more than likely running your small business on limited funds, so, it’s really important to find resources that will help you manage your business without a lot of out-of-pocket expense - at least in the beginning. If you’re running the show by yourself, this means you're going to have to embrace a few online technologies to help you stand out. One of those of online technologies is Canva! And guess what...IT’S FREE!!!

Yes. FREE.

There is a paid version of Canva that gives you a whole lot more bells and whistles when it comes to design, but if you’re looking for the simple to help with graphic design then Canva should be your go to to create beautiful graphics.

What can you create with Canva?

Social Media Graphics

Facebook. Instagram. Twitter. You name it - you can create simple - in your brand colors - social media graphics for all of your social media. The templates that are already there are more than enough to get you started. All you have to do is change the backgrounds to your brand colors, use their free stock images or upload your own, and you’re good to go.

Pinterest Graphics

You’re not on Pinterest? WHY NOT??? If you’re a small business owner, entrepreneur, coach, virtual assistant, have an online business - and you’re blogging or plan to blog or sell a product - YOU NEED PINTEREST IN YOUR LIFE. It will drive TONS of traffic to your website.

Trust me.

If you don’t believe me - let’s talk about it and I’ll tell you why.


If you’re a looking for clients and a way to WOW them with everything you know or a service you can provide - a portfolio is a nice - and beautiful - way to show them. Canva has several templates you can choose from. And again - you can alter them to match your brand colors.

Email Opt-Ins

Nowadays EVERYONE needs to grow an email list. You need to be in someone’s email box at least once a week showcasing what you KNOW - what you SALE - or what SERVICE you can provide!!! You can create an opt-in quickly with a pre-made design in Canva.

Podcasts You Should Listen To!


Are you thinking about self-publishing an e-book one day in the future? Canva’s got your back!!! This I must admit I have NOT done, but I know it CAN be done with Canva.


I’m sure you’ve read a lot by now about “branding” your business, picking out the right colors, setting the tone for your business. Canva can help you with that as well. Check out this blog post that can help you with choosing colors for your brand.


I must admit I sucked it up and spent the moolah for my logo because I wanted something very specific and I couldn’t find it on Canva and at the time - I hadn’t experimented enough with Canva to do it myself. Plus, I really don’t see myself as super creative but I’m getting better and better every day with my design skills. If you have a good eye for design and you aren’t ready to hire someone to create your logo for you, then try using Canva until you are.

These are just a few of the design options you can create in Canva. There is so much more. Go explore!!! Like for real...go NOW and explore what you can create with Canva!


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6 Ways A Virtual Assistant Can Help A Lawyer

Customer service, clerical work, social media management, and general admin duties are all tasks that are handled by a lawyer’s office staff. But many attorneys often find themselves saddled with these tasks if they are new to practice or have a small practice. Find out 6+ tasks a lawyer can outsource to a Virtual Assistant!

Are you a lawyer wondering how a Virtual Assistant can help you in your growing law practice?

Customer service, administrative tasks, social media management, and office management are just a few of the tasks that need to be dealt with on a daily basis in a busy law practice. But if you’re an attorney just starting out, a lawyer running your own office, or a lawyer in a small practice, you might be handling these day-to-day tasks without the help of a paralegal or an assistant.

By outsourcing these tasks rather than paying someone to sit in your office and earn an 8-hour  wage that includes benefits, sick leave, and vacation leave, you can make your office much more efficient. Some specific tasks a virtual assistants can handle include:

  • Answering phones

  • Setting up/confirming appointments

  • Sending out appointment reminders

  • Transcription

  • Overseeing your schedule

  • Email inbox management

  • Bookkeeping/Accounting

  • Website setup and maintenance

  • Social media management

  • Legal research

A virtual assistant can help you with specific tasks that can completed virtually. The tasks a virtual assistant can be specific or broad. A virtual assistant can do only your bookkeeping once a month or assume the role of a virtual part-time employee whose shoulder you don’t have to look over every day.

What can an attorney outsource to a Virtual Assistant?

Virtual Assistant For A Lawyer


Bookkeeping is one of those things that are necessary but boring and time consuming. Since these tasks are systematic and repetitive, a VA can do them well. Many VAs have bookkeeping experience, so these tasks are not a huge challenge. A VA can invoice your clients, pay your bills, and renew your memberships.

Social Media Marketing

You don’t have time to Tweet, Like, and Follow people or respond to comments on social media. A lot of VAs have experience in social media marketing. In addition, a virtual assistant can promote you to a broader audience and manage your social media accounts.


One of the most-common things virtual assistants do for clients is help them with email management. Once you give them access to your email, they can sort and organize your inbox and prioritize your emails so you spend less time looking at your inbox. A virtual assistant can forward you the most important email, answer the common ones, and manage emails from perspective and current clients, including setting up appointments and answer basic questions about your practice.

Manage Your Calendar and Set Meetings

Virtual Assistants can set appointments with clients and manage your schedule. VAs can set up client meetings by looking at your schedule and adding appointments to your calendar. They can also remind you when you need to be in court. This will save you time from having to email back-and-forth with a client to find a suitable time to meet.


Do you take notes by hand? Record them with a small cassette player? Handwritten notes can be scanned and sent to your virtual assistant; recordings can be picked up. Then, your VA can type them up and save them in a client’s folder online.

What about your legal paperwork?

Do you file your legal paperwork online? Most court systems have moved the task of filing motions and briefs online. This is also a task a virtual assistant can do for you!

And there is so much more!

If you are a lawyer that needs help managing your busy law practice, think seriously about getting a Virtual Assistant like me to help you.

Need a list of all of the wonderful things a VA can help you the Lawyer VA Task List today!

I Need This Task List!

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Rock Your Discovery Call: All The Right Questions To Ask To Get You From Call To Client

You started your online business. You set up your website. You are rocking your social media game! The moment you’ve been waiting for arrives. You book a client discovery call!! Now what? Panic sets in. Don’t worry! I’ve got you. This blog posts provides you every question you need to ask during your discovery call to BOOK. YOUR. CLIENT! #discoverycall #discoverycallquestions #discoverycalltemplate #discoverycallscript #skyrocketvirtualsolutions

You started your Virtual Assistant business.

You set up your website.

You are rocking your social media game!

The moment you’ve been waiting for arrives. You book a client discovery call!!

Now what?

Panic sets in.


You wonder...what the heck do I do now?

I’ve been there!!

Don’t worry. I’ve got your back. I’m going to share with you the exact questions you need to ask during your discovery call so you can BOOK THAT CLIENT!!!

First things first:

#1 Let the client talk first.

Allow them to kick the conversation off. Take notes. They may even answer some of the questions listed below.

#2 Smile

Especially if you’re on a Zoom or Skype call.

#3 Closing statement

Even though you don’t know how your discovery call is going to go, have a closing statement prepared about YOU. Who you are. What you offer. Why you are the best choice. Practice this statement over and over in your head so you know exactly what you’re going to say so that you only have to tweak it once you’ve asked all of your questions.

#4 Follow up

Follow up immediately after the phone call with an email stating how much you enjoyed talking to them. If the client asked you for references or examples, send those with this email. In addition, set a reminder to follow up with them at least one week after the discovery call to keep YOU in their mind if they haven’t yet made a decision.


And Remember!!!

Your voice has to shine through.

Your personality has to be on point.

NOW!!! Are you ready for the discovery call questions I used to book my first client? this free template NOW!



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5 Ways (and more) A Virtual Assistant Can Help A Blogger

Are you a blogger wondering how a Virtual Assistant can help you manage your blog? As a blogger myself who only manages to post about once (maybe) a week - I imagine if you’re a full-time blogger who makes their living earning a nice profitable income from having a blog - the tasks you have to complete are 10xs what I do.

Have you ever thought about hiring a Virtual Assistant to help you?



What you may be thinking…

It’s MY baby!

How can I trust someone else to do everything I do and do it correctly?

What if they screw up my site?

I wouldn’t even know what to outsource to a Virtual Assistant!

These are all questions/statements that are possibly running through your head right now. But guess what...I’m here to help you decide if hiring a VA is the right thing to do for you and your blog.

There are a number of ways a Virtual Assistant can help a Professional Blogger. I’m only going to describe 5 (really more) of those ways but I’ll list more at the end of this blog post.

#1 - A Virtual Assistant can help you generate blog post ideas and maintain an editorial calendar.

You know your topic. You wouldn’t have a successful profitable blog if you didn’t. But have you ever thought about using a Virtual Assistant to bounce ideas off of? Someone who might come at your niche from a different perspective and see it just a little bit differently from you? A person who may be able to do detailed research and offer you enough content to last you for an entire year? A Virtual Assistant can do that. You can find a Virtual Assistant who has a background in library science which makes them a born researcher. Once the two of you generate new ideas to blog about, your VA can create an editorial calendar to keep your content fresh and so you never run out of ideas.


#2 - A Virtual Assistant can help you draft and format blog posts and optimize blog post for SEO

Drafting and formatting a blog post can take a lot of time depending on what you’re blogging about. Do you want to add pictures? Video? A recipe? Links to other blog posts? Optimize the blog post for SEO so it shows up on Google searches? A Virtual Assistant can help you with this too. Finding the correct pictures, finding or editing video, adding a recipe if you’re a food blogger - these are things you can outsource to a VA. What about all of your similar content? If you want to make a blog post an evergreen blog post you need to link it to similar content you’ve already written about or other content that’s out there that will enhance your blog post. The right VA is more than willing and able to complete these tasks for you. And let’s not forget about SEO! Once your VA knows the topic you’re going to write about, they can research key SEO words, make sure they are included in your title and carefully situated throughout your blogpost to insure you start showing up in Google searchers. A VA can help your site be an expert site when people search about certain topics.

#3 - A Virtual Assistant can help you manage and reply to blog comments and social media comments

A key task you can outsource to a Virtual Assistant is responding to blog post comments, sharing your content on your social media and responding to those comments as well. Your regular visitors on your blog and on your social media love to chat and communicate. That’s why they leave comments. There’s nothing I dislike more than commenting on a post or on someone’s Instagram and they don’t comment back. Now don’t get me wrong - when you have time in your schedule you should definitely respond to comments, especially those that are specific to your niche and may need a more elaborate or thought out response, but for people who leave generic comments, you can allow your VA to respond to those comments in a way that will keep those visitors coming back.

#4 - A Virtual Assistant can help you manage advertising relationships and create and manage affiliate programs

Advertising relationships and affiliate programs are your bread and butter, right? Cultivating and growing these relationships are a must if you want to continue to have a profitable blog. There may be companies or industries out there who offer affiliate and/or sponsorship programs you don’t know about or haven’t had time to research. There is only so much time in your day and research may not be a high priority on your schedule. Outsource that task to a Virtual Assistant! Of course you don’t want to have too many ads running on your blog that end up distracting people away from YOUR content. But, the right  VA can help you decide which relevant ads should be embedded in each one of your blog post.

And finally…#5 - Manage Your Pinterest Business Account


If you’re not on Pinterest - you are DEFINITELY missing out. Like Google, Pinterest is a search engine...a VISUAL search engine. When was the last time you went searching for info and didn’t go to Pinterest first? I know I don’t. Sure...a lot of the time I go to Google and type in what I’m researching about. But when I really want to learn something or know how to do something - I go straight to Pinterest and I’m not the only one. On average, millions of people use Pinterest to get information. Get in on that party and allow your Virtual Assistant to manage your Pinterest account. A Virtual Assistant can help you create a pinning strategy with Tailwind, create pins on Canva, organize and update your Pinterest profile, research Pinterest SEO and titles and create more boards if you need them. Do not sleep on Pinterest. It is one of the most lucrative ways to draw people to your website, content, your email list and it has the definite potential to turn these people into clients. Let a Virtual Assistant help you do that.

There a lot of other things a Virtual Assistant can do for a blogger:

  1. Back up blog

  2. Keep website up to date

  3. Update plugins

  4. Keep a blog content bank

  5. Find opportunities to guest blog

  6. Comment on other blogs

  7. Sending out newsletters

  8. Email management

  9. Keyword research

  10. Update date older blog posts (tags to images, add links to other related posts, make posts evergreen)

If you are a blogger that needs help managing your blog, think seriously about getting a Virtual Assistant like me to help you. Need a list of all of the wonderful things a VA can help you this Blogger VA Task List today!

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Virtual Assistant Raquell Barton Virtual Assistant Raquell Barton

How I Found My First Client

Learn the tips I used to gain my first virtual assistant client and how I consistently find clients for my business.

I’ve decided from time to time I’m going to post about my journey as a new Virtual Assistant / Social Media Manager / Pinterest Manager (boy that’s a lot). Every day on Facebook groups I’m a member of, I see welcome after welcome for people starting a business as a Virtual Assistant or Social Media Manager. Since I’m a newbie as well I thought I’d start blogging about the things I’ve learned to do, not to do, everything that has worked, and everything that hasn’t worked. Hopefully, these posts will inspire, teach, or motivate other newbie Virtual Assistants on their journey.

Tales of A Newbie Virtual Assistant

So. I got my first client last week.


He wasn’t a retainer client, but, I provided a one-off service, and he paid! I feel awesome about that. I’m hoping that in the future when he needs something else similar to what I did for him, he’ll come back again. That’s what we want, even if it’s a one-time service, right? We want our clients to come back. Even if it’s every once in a while or one time, he is a client I helped and a client I can get a reference/testimonial from to put on my website. It shows I have experience now. That someone actually believed in my service, thought I was capable of helping them, and I did.

How Did I Find My First Virtual Assistant Client

How I found my first virtual assistant client

A Facebook Group.

That’s right.

When people suggest that you join Facebook groups related to the market you’re going to target and participate and add value to the posts you see - do it!!! It works. Plus - in some of these groups, people post job opps looking for help. That’s how I found my one-off client. And I almost didn’t get him. After I replied to his post on the FB group I sent him a PM. When he replied back to me, the service I told him I could provide wasn't really what he needed. In that reply, he told me what he did need. I gasped because it was right up my alley.


I’m a born researcher. It’s my DAY JOB. I’m a high school library media specialist. I live for research which made me perfect for this job so I pitched myself AGAIN...and it worked!

I got my first client.

From the day I started my business (December 10th) it took me a little over six weeks to get my first client so don’t despair if you’re a newbie just starting out. Some people luck up and get clients really quick - some of us - not so much.

6 Tips For A Newbie Virtual Assistant

Don’t doubt yourself.

Don’t quit on yourself.

There’s a reason why you CHOSE to do this.

Go back and look at your goals.

Go back and look at your business plan.

Go back and look at your “why” and keep moving forward.

You’ve got this.

In the meantime keep checking things off your to-do list. If you don’t have one of those - I do. Click on the pic below and get a copy of the ‘Step-by-Step Action Plan I created to get myself ready for my new VA business. And I’ll tell you a little secret - I’m still checking things off this list and adding things to it.

So I will get it done and so will you.

Update: How I Consistently Find Clients For My Virtual Assistant Business

I show up.

I consistently show up on social media: Instagram and in Facebook groups, and I interact and provide value, tips, advice about what I do and who I help. I also have systems in place using Dubsado. In Dubsado I manage my calendar, proposals, contracts, and invoicing. Dubsado allows me to create a seamless client experience from start to finish without missing a beat. I also have a strategic discovery call process that gets from client to contract as well. So make sure you set up your processes and have a plan in place for every step of your Virtual Assistant business.



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Virtual Assistant Raquell Barton Virtual Assistant Raquell Barton

5 Things Every Virtual Assistant Should Do When Starting Out

Whether you are a stay at home mom looking for an online job or someone looking for a side-hustle while working your 9-5, becoming a Virtual Assistant just might be your answer! But…there a few things you MUST do when you’re starting out. Find out 5 things you need to do before you get your first client.

The last two weeks have say the least. I started my new business as a Virtual Assistant and Social Media Manager.

Do I have any clients yet? HA! And sadly...NO. But that’s not going to stop me. Every new business has to start somewhere and just like a brick and mortar business...I just need one customer...or walk through the door (or email me :-)). Until that happens, I’m preparing myself.

There are five things I’ve learned that every Virtual Assistant should do when starting out.

  1. Claim your website URL. If you’ve decided on the name of your business, claim this as soon as possible. You want to make sure that a) no one else is using it, and b) even if you’re not ready to build your website, your URL will be safe until you do.

  2. Claim your Social Media. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn - claim them. You want to be able to market yourself on social media. Plus, one of the first things a potential client is going to ask you is where can they find you online. And if you’re not ready or can’t afford the expense of a paid website, you need social media to market your business AND a place for a potential client to go to find you.

    RELATED: What Exactly Does A Virtual Assistant Do?

  3. Find a niche to target. I can admit this is where I’m struggling. How can I find a niche to work in when I don’t have my first client yet. Right now I’ll just be happy to get one client to work with. I have ideas and I’m going to diligently work in that direction. I’m narrowing down the niche I want to work in and finding groups to join. Wish me luck!

  4. Be real clear about the services you want to offer. When I first completed my website my services weren’t clear and there was “too much” of it. After I got a few people to look my website over, they encouraged me to narrow it down or group some of it together so a potential client wouldn’t have too much to read. You can have several service packages you offer, in which you can show a potential client when the time comes, but as much as possible on your website, narrow it down for easier reading.

    RELATED: Rock Your First Discovery Call!

  5. Grow your email list. Seems kind of hard when you don’t have any clients and you’re probably struggling to come up with content. But one of the first things I was told to come up with was a “freebie” so you can grow your email list, which will hopefully lead to clients.  

And this leads me to “my freebie.” At least one I’ve come up with for now that was actually easy. My to-do list when I set up my business. Now...I’m sharing it with you. This VA To-Do List SAVED ME!!! Click below and find out the exact steps I took to start my VA business!

If you are a new VA I hope you find it helpful and I wish you luck on your new journey.


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Pinterest Raquell Barton Pinterest Raquell Barton

Welcome to Skyrocket Virtual Solutions: Virtual Assistant and Pinterest Management Services

Have you been thinking about hiring a Pinterest Manager or Virtual Assistant? In this blog post I talk about 10+ reasons you need to outsource your Pinterest Management and hire a Virtual Assistant to help you in your business. Outsourcing is the key to growth! Find out how you can get the help you need today! #virtualassistant #pinterestmanager #outsource #outsourcing #skyrocketvirtualsolutions

Skyrocket Virtual Solutions is here for all your Virtual Assistant and Pinterest Management needs.

Let me give you back the precious time you’ve been spending away from your family or doing the things you love. Or, if you’re a new small business owner and unsure where to start, SVS can get you started on the right path to skyrocket your Pinterest business account and/or online business.

Why You Need To Hire A Virtual AssistantWhy You Need To Hire A Virtual Assistant

Why You Need To Hire A Virtual Assistant

  • You’re constantly busy and feeling overwhelmed.

  • You spend too much time on routine tasks.

  • You’re unable to concentrate on the big vision you have for your business.

  • You’re ready to scale.

  • A virtual assistant frees up your time and energy.

  • It makes your business more efficient.

Hire A Pinterest ManagerHire A Pinterest Manager

Why You Need To Hire A Pinterest Manager

  • You aren’t familiar with Pinterest.

  • You’re using Pinterest personally, however, you’re not sure how to use it for your business.

  • Need help setting up your Pinterest business account.

  • Your engagement has stalled.

  • You don’t have time to manage your account.

  • It will save you time and money.

  • A Pinterest Manager can help you stay consistent on Pinterest.

  • A Pinterest Manager understands both Pinterest analytics and Google analytics.

If you would like to learn more about the custom services you can receive from Skyrocket Virtual Solutions, see what Virtual Assistant services and Pinterest Management packages we have to offer. Then, schedule a 20-minute free consultation today.

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