How To Turn Your Corporate Skills into a VA Business

What is a virtual assistant?

A virtual assistant or VA is typically someone who completes any number of administrative tasks for a small business. In recent years, this definition has expanded. Now a lot of virtual assistants are experts in their field. VAs run their own business, so they are not an employee of anyone and typically work remotely.

How can I use my corporate skills to offer services as a VA?

Virtual assistants can customize their offerings based on their experience. So, digital marketers can become social media managers and marketing virtual assistants. Corporate administrative assistants or executive assistants can transfer their skills and become a general administration VA. Many virtual assistants also offer high-level specialized skills like website development, video production, course creation, accounting services, copywriting, etc. You can find a virtual assistant niche that fits your skills no matter your corporate career.

Your corporate experience is invaluable as a virtual assistant, so include it somewhere on your portfolio or website! Whether you include the actual work as part of your portfolio or list your expertise elsewhere, your previous jobs are relevant and essential to include when creating your virtual assistant business. 

READ: Can You Become A Virtual Assistant With No Experience

How to become a virtual assistant

1.       Pick your services and price them

When selecting the services you will offer, keep potential clients in mind. If you have niched down to a specific industry, research what needs that community may have. For example, if your previous job was working for a fashion and beauty company as a digital marketer, you may want to offer services that speak to that specific community. If you were an accountant for a tech company, they would have specific needs you can fill.

Then, it is time to price your services. The best pricing can be created by considering your experience, financial need, and the market rate for your services.

For example, if you want to make $75,000 per year, you must:

  • Add around 20%-30% to that amount to cover your taxes, meaning your total income would need to be $97,500. (This is just an estimate. Speak to a tax representative to get a better idea of how much to add.)

  • Decide how much you want to work. For this example, we will use 35 hours per week. So, if you want to work 35 hours per week and make $97,500, you will need to bring in $8,125 per month and about $55.75 per hour. This might not be how you price your services, depending on your skillset and the market rate for your services, but it can help you understand how to get your business where you want it to be.

2.       Figure out your systems

So you’ve decided what services you will offer and to what audience, now it’s time to ensure the customer experience is the best it can be. Select systems and software that will help you onboard clients, foster communication and collaboration, and get paid. There are many options to make your experience and your client’s experiences even better.

3.       Marketing plan

Now it is time to find clients. When creating your marketing plan, focus on where your clients are. Are they in Facebook groups for small businesses? Are they on Instagram marketing their own business? Are they searching “How to market my photography business?” on Google? Wherever they may be, meet them where they are. Start genuine conversations where you can be helpful and present yourself as an expert in your field.

Virtual assistant training

While all your work experience is transferrable to creating your online business, being an entrepreneur can be very different from the corporate experience. This is why it can be beneficial to hire a Virtual Assistant Coach. Coaches are usually virtual assistants that have figured out the secret key to success and are ready to help others find that same success. They help aspiring virtual assistants start their businesses, find their first clients, and set up processes that create exceptional client experiences. They also help established virtual assistants scale their business, increase their income, and build efficiencies to save time. 

Are you interested in hiring a VA Coach? Check out my new Coach for a Month program that begins on November 1st.


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