Pinterest Raquell Barton Pinterest Raquell Barton

Are You Writing Effective Pinterest Descriptions

Are you writing effective pin descriptions? Pinterest allows you 500 characters that you can use to define your particular pin and then it uses that information or the keywords which are within that pin description to actually tag and identify your content and show it to the most relevant users online. Read on to find out the seven simple steps that you need to follow when you actually write a pin description so that it is engaging and click-worthy.

Did you know publishing the same content over and over does nothing for your pins! 


Pinterest wants you to add new content with new images, new titles, and new descriptions. Your audience doesn’t want to see the exact same pin over and over again either. 

Although it will take more time to create additional pin versions of the same blog post, creating new content is what improves your SEO which is the most important thing for a successful blog and Pinterest business account.

When you’re blogging, it can be easy to get wrapped up in creating multiple gorgeous pins for your blog posts. What we love about Pinterest is that it’s a visual search engine and you get better results when your pins are attractive. But here’s the thing: you can have the most beautiful Pinterest pins in the world, however, they won’t get you many views, repins, or clicks if they’re missing something critical: optimized pin descriptions. 

What is a pin description?

A pin description is a brief and concise paragraph that describes what your blog post is about. 

It tells Pinterest pinners what to expect in the post you want them to read. 

The goal of the pin description is to attract pinners to click on your pin and read more about the topic described.

It’s important to include a description for your pin so people know what the post is about. Each pin should have a unique Pinterest pin description and unique image. Create pin descriptions that will entice the reader to click thru to your website for more information.

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7 Tips To Write The Perfect Pinterest Description

  1. The description can be up to 500 characters.

  2. Pin descriptions should have at least 3 relevant keywords

  3. Do not overload your description with keywords. Keywords should be included in your description using normal sentences. 

  4. Include a direct call to action in each pin description. 

  5. Add 2 to 3 hashtags per pin at the end of the pin description.

  6. Write your pin description in a natural sentence structure. Do NOT keyword stuff in this section.

  7. Make sure you include the description on the back end of your blog. 

Implement this keyword-rich strategy the next time you write your pin descriptions because keywords are important. For your website and your Pinterest business account. This blog post has a list of several ways to look for keywords. 

Are you new to Pinterest and need to know how to get started. Check out this series of posts on creating the perfect Pinterest business account. 

Need help with your Pinterest business account, I’m here to help. Schedule a time to chat with me and let’s get to work!

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