Pinterest Raquell Barton Pinterest Raquell Barton

Creating The Perfect Pinterest Business Account - Your Boards

Have you heard that Pinterest is the BEST way to attract your ideal audience and drive traffic to your website? Do you know how to optimize your Pinterest boards? Then I have good news! Week 3 of this 6-week series of blog posts is going to help you create the perfect foundation for your Pinterest account by creating keyword optimized Pinterest boards.

Affiliate Disclaimer: This blog post may contain affiliate links where I earn a commission if you sign up through them. However this in no way affects my recommendation. If I recommended it, I have actually used this tool and highly recommend it.

We have made it to week 3 of the Creating The Perfect Pinterest Business Account blog series. 

Last week we discussed setting up your Pinterest Profile. If you missed that blog post you can go here to read all about Creating The Perfect Pinterest Business Account: Your Profile and you can go here to read all about Getting Set Up

Over a six week period I’m going to be sharing everything you need to do to create the Perfect Pinterest business account. 

Week 1 - Creating The Perfect Pinterest Business Account: Getting Set Up

Week 2 - Creating The Perfect Pinterest Business Account: Your Profile

Week 3 - Creating The Perfect Pinterest Business Account: Your Boards

Week 4 - Creating The Perfect Pinterest Business Account: Eye Catching Pins

Week 5 - Creating The Perfect Pinterest Business Account: When To Pin

Week 6 - Creating The Perfect Pinterest Business Account: Extras

This week is all about your Your Boards

The content in your Pinterest boards is what brings your ideal client or customer to Pinterest business account. The title of your board or the keywords you use to describe your board is very important because it is how you will be found when pinners search. 

So let’s get to it. 

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Create a Brand Board

The first board you need to create when you begin your Pinterest business account is a brand board. This brand board is for your content and your content only!!! You will never save anyone else’s content to this board. You may even have a case where you might have more than one brand board. If you blog AND you sell products, create a brand board for each. 

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Create 10-15 Boards Relevant to Your Audience

Before you begin creating boards for your Pinterest business account, take some time and think about your target audience/client. Why does your target audience use Pinterest? What are they searching for? These are the types of boards you need to create for your account. Even if you never create a blog post or product related to that board (you should though), you need to have that board on your account. Remember, a user on Pinterest is curating content!!! They are searching for things to buy AND save to come back to. You want them to come back to YOUR boards and if they know YOUR board has the best content, it will keep them coming back. 

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Personal Pinterest Boards Need to be Secret on a Business Account

Better yet, you need a separate personal Pinterest account altogether. Have you ever heard of the phrase “going down the rabbit hole.” If you combine your personal account with your business account, you could end up there once you log on and see your Pinterest feed. However, if you don’t want the headache of having two accounts, then any personal board you create needs to be secret. The purpose of your Pinterest business account is to attract your ideal client/customer. A board on your account called “fall scarves” when you are a Social Media Manager doesn’t fit and is not why your ideal client is seeking out content on your account. It’s going to stand out. So do yourself a favor and have a seperate Pinterest account for your personal use, or, make all of your personal boards secret. 

Each Pinterest Board Needs a Minimum of 10 Pins

Before you make any of your boards “open” to the public, they need at least 10 relevant pins inside the board. This content does not have to be all of your content. It may not even be ANY of your content in the beginning, but you need to have a minimum of 10 pins before you make it public. You do not want empty boards on your business account. 

Create Descriptive and Keyworded Titles for Each Pinterest Board.

I can not stress this enough. 

Descriptions and keywords matter. 

It is how you are found on Pinterest. Always remember that Pinterest is a visual search engine. The titles you come up for your boards is important. Scarves for example is a very broad topic. But “red scarves” or “winter scarves” or “plaid scarves” is more descriptive. If I’m looking for a purple scarf for a black and purple outfit, as a Pinterest user I’m going to search for “purple scarf” not just scarf so think about that when you create your boards. 

READ: Keyword Search Using 4 Easy Tools

Create Descriptive and Keyworded Descriptions for Each Pinterest Board

I’m going to say it again…

Descriptions and keywords matter. 

When you create your board, there is a section that allows you to describe what you board is about! Don’t skimp on this section. Describe in detail what your board is about using at least 2-3 keywords your ideal client will search for on Pinterest. 

Well that’s all for this week! 

If you followed all of these steps, you should have optimized and perfectly keyworded Pinterest boards with about 10-15 Pinterest boards that exemplify your Pinterest business account so your ideal client can find you on Pinterest. 

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Next week we will talk about Creating EYE CATCHING PINS for your Pinterest Business Account!

This was week 3 of the Creating The Perfect Pinterest Business Account series! Again, if you missed week 1 or 2, you can go here or here to read about how to set up your Pinterest business account and your Pinterest profile

Hop on over to Instagram and tell me in the comments if you successfully set up your Pinterest business account and profile. 

Also, please pin me on your Pinterest business account, I’d sure appreciate it. 

Want Help Planning Your Pinterest Pinning Strategy? Schedule a Pinterest Strategy session with me here. I’d love to help. 

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Pinterest Raquell Barton Pinterest Raquell Barton

Creating The Perfect Pinterest Business Account: Your Profile

Have you heard that Pinterest is the BEST way to attract your ideal audience and drive traffic to your website? Do you know how to optimize your Pinterest profile? Then I have good news! Week 2 of this 6-week series of blog posts is going to help you create the perfect foundation for your Pinterest business account by helping you create the perfect Pinterest business account profile. #pinterest #pinterestprofile

Affiliate Disclaimer: This blog post may contain affiliate links where I earn a commission if you sign up through them. However this in no way affects my recommendation. If I recommended it, I have actually used this tool and highly recommend it.

Hey! You’re back and that is AWESOME! Thank you so much! 

Last week we discussed setting up your Pinterest business account. If you missed that blog post you can go here to read all about Creating The Perfect Pinterest Business Account: Getting Set Up

Over the next six weeks I’m going to be sharing everything you need to do to create the Perfect Pinterest business account. 

Week 1 - Creating The Perfect Pinterest Business Account: Getting Set Up

Week 2 - Creating The Perfect Pinterest Business Account: Your Profile

Week 3 - Creating The Perfect Pinterest Business Account: Your Boards

Week 4 - Creating The Perfect Pinterest Business Account: Eye Catching Pins

Week 5 - Creating The Perfect Pinterest Business Account: When To Pin

Week 6 - Creating The Perfect Pinterest Business Account: Extras

This week is all about your Pinterest Profile

Your Pinterest Profile is the first thing your potential ideal client or customer is going to see when they find your profile on Pinterest so having the perfect Pinterest profile is very important! 

So let’s get right to it. 

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Pinterest Profile Photo

You can use either your business logo or a picture for your profile photo. Some people are of the mind that you should use your picture because it’s more personal, but I believe it’s truly up to you what you use. I use my logo. 

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Here’s someone else who uses their picture. 

Stefanie M.PNGStefanie M.PNG

You choose what is best for you. 

Pinterest Bio

Your Pinterest bio should state your mission (what you do and who you help). It should include a call to action (link to a lead magnet or your website). In addition, it should be keyword optimized with a minimum of 2-3 keywords about your business. 

Here are some examples! 


Because you claimed your website last week when you created your Pinterest business account, your Pinterest business account will automatically have a link to your website (see all of the profiles above).

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Keyword Your Pinterest Profile

I can not stress enough how important it is to include those 2-3 keywords in your profile description. Remember, Pinterest is a visual search engine…

Let me say that again. 

Pinterest is a SEARCH ENGINE!!! 

That means it relies heavily on keywords to provide their users with the optimal experience to find what they are looking for. That means you need to include keywords in your profile so that pinners can find YOU!! 

Now don’t get me wrong, I don’t want you to flood your profile description with a bunch of keywords

Do.  Not. Do.  That. 

Please don’t do that. 

So, put a spark in your creative juices and come up with a beautiful, creative way to describe your business, in natural sentences, using keywords

Well that’s all for this week folks! 

If you followed all of these steps, you should have a perfect Pinterest Profile set up for your Pinterest Business Account. 

Next week we will talk about Creating The Perfect BOARDS for your Pinterest Business Account!

This has been week 2 of the Creating The Perfect Pinterest Business Account series! Again, if you missed week 1, you can go here and read about how to set up your Pinterest business account. 

Hop on over to Instagram and tell me in the comments if you successfully set up your Pinterest Profile. 

Also, please pin me on your Pinterest business account, I’d sure appreciate it. 

Want Help Planning Your Pinterest Pinning Strategy?

Schedule a Pinterest Strategy session with me here. I’d love to help. 

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Pinterest Raquell Barton Pinterest Raquell Barton

Creating The Perfect Pinterest Business Account: Getting Set Up

Have you heard that Pinterest is the BEST way to attract your ideal audience and drive traffic to your website? Do you have no idea how to get started? Then I have good news! This 6-week series of blog posts is going to help you create the perfect foundation for your Pinterest business account. First up week one: creating the perfect Pinterest business account: getting started.

Affiliate Disclaimer: This blog post may contain affiliate links where I earn a commission if you sign up through them. However this in no way affects my recommendation. If I recommended it, I have actually used this tool and highly recommend it.

Getting started with Pinterest can be overwhelming for business owners if you’ve never used Pinterest before or if you’re used to utilizing Pinterest personally. 

A Pinterest business account is completely different from a personal one. On your personal account it’s okay to pin about that shade of lipstick you want to buy or that recipe you want try next Thanksgiving. All of those pins are for you!

And that’s okay.

Keep your personal Pinterest account so you can continue to pin the things you like for your personal life. However, a Pinterest business account is not for you!

It’s for your ideal client.

It’s for your target market.

It’s for the pinner who wants to buy your product or service. So, pinning about that scarf you want to buy your sister for Christmas is not for your business account. 

Over the next six weeks I’m going to be sharing everything you need to do to create the Perfect Pinterest business account. 

New Pin Graphics(1).pngNew Pin Graphics(1).png

Week 1 - Creating The Perfect Pinterest Business Account: Getting Set Up

Week 2 - Creating The Perfect Pinterest Business Account: Your Profile

Week 3 - Creating The Perfect Pinterest Business Account: Your Boards

Week 4 - Creating The Perfect Pinterest Business Account: Eye Catching Pins

Week 5 - Creating The Perfect Pinterest Business Account: When To Pin

Week 6 - Creating The Perfect Pinterest Business Account: Extras

For week one I want to talk about getting set up on Pinterest for a business account. 

Pinterest Name.PNGPinterest Name.PNG

Before you start, come up with a title that includes the name of your business and at least one niche keyword. If the name of your business does not include what you do, then tell people what you do in the title as well. 

Once you come up with your name, you’re ready to create your Pinterest Business account. 

Create A Pinterest Business Account

Creating a “business account” is important because a business account allows you access to seeing analytics, it allows you to confirm your website, you can promote pins, pin buyable links and enable Rich pins for your account (more about that later). Also, Pinterest terms of service requires you to have a business account if you are going to pin as a business. 

Go here and follow the directions to create your Pinterest business account.

Claim Your Pinterest Website

Go here and follow the directions to claim your website. 

Once you verify your website, you will have access to the analytics of all of your pins. This is very important because it helps you with marketing. 

Note: Make sure you follow the directions for your specific website host. It might require extra steps. 

Enable Rich Pins for Your Pinterest Business Account


This is where the fun begins. Rich Pins allows Pinterest to show extra details about your Pins.

There are three types of pins: product, article, and recipe. Product pins allow your customer to see exactly how much your product is and information about the pin right on the pin. Article pins and Recipe pins automatically update if and when you update the pin. 

Go here and follow the directions to enable rich pins. 


Well, there ya go! 

If you followed all of these beginning steps, you have successfully set up your Pinterest Business Account. 

Next week we will tackle:

Creating The Perfect Pinterest Business Account Profile!

This is week 1 of Creating The Perfect Pinterest Business Account !

Hop on over to Instagram and tell me in the comments if you successfully set up your Pinterest Business Account. 

Please pin me on your Pinterest business account. 

Want Help Planning Your Pinterest Pinning Strategy?

Schedule a Pinterest Strategy session with me here. I’d love to help. 



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Pinterest Raquell Barton Pinterest Raquell Barton

What Is Pinterest Management

Pinterest is the unicorn of social media. Why? Because it’s not a social media platform, it’s a search engine! All businesses, no matter how small or how niched, can benefit from having a presence on Pinterest.If you’re tired of producing content that’s lost in the void of social media, it’s time to focus on Pinterest. Pinterest is a great way to grow your blog and increase your website traffic. If you don't have the time to learn another platform, and if your business includes (or wants to include) blogging, then it may be time to hire a Pinterest virtual assistant so you can spend more time in your zone of genius. Find out exactly what Pinterest Management is and how hiring one will be great for your business!

Affiliate Disclaimer: This blog post may contain affiliate links where I earn a commission if you sign up through them. However this in no way affects my recommendation. If I recommended it, I have actually used this tool and highly recommend it.

There’s a secret weapon that many creative entrepreneurs, bloggers and small business owners are not using.


Pinterest is the unicorn of social media. Why? Because it’s not a social media platform, it’s a search engine! All businesses, no matter how small or how niched, can benefit from having a presence on Pinterest.

But too many don’t know how to use Pinterest for their benefit. It’s not just pinning what you think is pretty and creating boards. With the right strategy, you can see results from Pinterest that will skyrocket your website traffic unlike any of your social media platforms.

If you’re tired of producing content that’s lost in the void of social media, it’s time to focus on Pinterest. Pinterest is a great way to grow your blog and increase your website traffic. If you don't have the time to learn another platform, and if your business includes (or wants to include) blogging, then it may be time to hire a Pinterest virtual assistant so you can spend more time in your zone of genius. With over 200 million monthly active users, Pinterest has positioned itself as not just another social media site, but a visual search engine that lets people find your content by clicking through to your website, increase your email subscribers, and provide more sales for your business.

You don't need random pretty pins thrown into a scheduler - you need an intentional Pinterest marketing service created by a Pinterest strategist who’s main focus is building your business with results from Pinterest.

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Who Should Be Using Pinterest?

  • Lifestyle bloggers (food, travel, personal development, organizing, home decor, DIY, crafts, business, finance, etc)

  • Creative online service providers (life or business coaches, home designers, brand strategists, graphic designers, photographers, etc)

  • E-commerce businesses that showcase their products in blog posts (easier to drive traffic)

  • Teachers Pay Teachers businesses with their own website and blog posts

RELATED: Why You Can’t Afford To Ignore Pinterest

What Is Pinterest Management?

Pinterest management services are services that save business owners time in implementing their Pinterest strategy. Pinterest can be a very time consuming platform. This is great for consumers, but not for you.

The more time consumers spend looking at your Pinterest boards, the more likely they are to make a purchase from you. The more time you spend creating your Pinterest boards and pinning pins to Pinterest,  the less time you invest in business. That’s where a Pinterest manager comes in. 

Skyrocket Virtual Solutions Pinterest marketing services include unique content strategy and distribution to your Pinterest boards. It also includes daily monitoring of activity on your Pinterest boards from potential consumers. With 24/7 access to your analytics, (Pinterest, Tailwind and Google), your Pinterest strategist will track the performance of your Pinterest marketing campaign at all times.

RELATED: How to Create Clickable Images with Canva

What Does A Pinterest Manager Do? 

Pinterest Strategy 

Create a strategy for your Pinterest account. The boards and the pins added to your Pinterest business account will be based on careful research about your ideal customer.

Pinterest Pin Creation 

Create pins with original content that matches your brand. If your business has eCommerce, together, we will communicate and decide which products you want to sell online and create buyable pins to entice your customer to make a purchase.

Pinterest Monitoring 

As your pins begin to publish we take a look at the results of each pin and analyze what types of content and copy are receiving the most repins and engagement. We pinpoint and respond to what pinners are most attracted to and refine it to perfection to generate optimal results for your business.

Pinterest Reporting 

Look at and analyze your analytics (Pinterest, Tailwind, and Google) and provide you with a report while making necessary recommendations to improve your Pinterest strategy. 

RELATED: Four Things You Must Include In Your Pinterest Strategy

The Goal of Pinterest Management Services

The goal of our Pinterest Management Service is to increase awareness for your business. We accomplish this in a few ways:

  1. Increasing Pinterest Impressions and Reach

  2. Increasing Pinterest Saves and Repins

  3. Increasing Pinterest Followers

  4. Increasing Website Referrals from Pinterest (clicks to your website)

  5. Influence Sales from Pinterest

Pinterest Marketing Packages

Ready to get started with Pinterest? Let’s talk!  

Note: You will need a Pinterest account, at least 5 blog posts (or products)  on your website, and a paid subscription to Tailwind before we begin. You can get a free month of Tailwind with my link here

Note: I am not affiliated with or partnered with Pinterest in any way. Results not typical and not guaranteed.

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