Why You Need A Pinterest Audit To Skyrocket Your Traffic

Pinterest marketing can be tough! 

One month your analytics are incredible. Outbound clicks, saves and pin clicks are into the stratosphere. 

But then....something happens. 

You’re not sure what. Now you have…

  • Falling or stagnant pin stats

  • A low number of clicks on pins

  • Lack of repins.

What happened???

Why You Need A Pinterest Audit To Skyrocket Your Traffic.png

What are some common Pinterest mistakes? 

Having board names that don’t serve the purpose of your niche. 

Every board on your Pinterest page should serve a purpose. They should be something the clients in your niche are going to search for. Make sure your board names relate to a similar topic. 

Not paying attention to keywords.

Are you just writing what your blog post is about, or do you actually do the research so you can add triggering keywords to your blog post AND pin title. Keywords are the very core of Pinterest and using keywords in the right places (board titles, pin titles, board descriptions, pin description) is very important. 

Not optimizing images for Pinterest. 

Don’t ever think you can just throw a pin together for Pinterest without giving it some thought. Your pin must be attractive, enticing to the eye and more than anything, keywords in the title. 

Not being consistent.

How often are you pinning? Do you pin once a week? Once a month? Infrequently? Just like any marketing strategy, you have to be consistent. An optimal Pinterest strategy requires it. Pinterest rewards pinners who are consistent, who provide each and every day. This does not mean you have to pin 15-20 pins every day. A pin scheduling tool like Tailwind can help you show up consistently enough that you will only have to pin your new content once a week. 

Giving up too soon. 

Pinterest is a marathon not a sprint. I know you’ve heard that before. But when you look at your account and see those numbers go up and down and up and down...sometimes panic sets in. And you wonder why am I doing this? 

Pinterest can be a marketing tool that can help your business with long-term growth. You’re not going to get a quick win like you can get with Facebook or Instagram. Remember, the posts on those two social media platforms fade away. Pinterest pins last forever. So if someone is looking for a pin today OR two years from now on your topic...your pin will still be there to answer their question or solve their pain point because you will be helping your audience where they are on their journey. 

If you’re at a point where you’re feeling 

  • Overwhelmed by just looking at your Pinterest account and wondering if the information you’re providing is valid. 

  • Concerned that you’re not using the platform effectively.

  • Lost with what steps to take to get clients from Pinterest.

 If you need: 

  •  A clear plan on what needs to change to increase your Pinterest growth.

  • A list of keywords to use for your specific business to get in front of the most people. 

  • Confidence with Pinterest, so you can increase your traffic. 

Then you may need a Pinterest audit. 

A Pinterest account Audit is an examination of your Pinterest business account, its overall status, brand visuals, and your message, in an effort to improve account growth.

As a Pinterest strategist, I provide business owners with a Pinterest Account Audit when they are looking for improvements to their Pinterest account but don’t want to  invest in Pinterest management. You simply want an expert to put fresh eyes on your account to direct you on a path toward growth.

With a Pinterest audit, I will take a look at your account and strategy, and give you a clear solution on what needs improvement. Once the audit is over you will have a concrete set of steps to make sure your account aligns with your dream client or customer.

 So...if you’re an online service provider, a blogger, coach or consultant:

  •  You value service over profits and vanity numbers

  • You want to use Pinterest strategically and want the right people to find your content, freebies and offer

  • You want a low-maintenance way to stay consistent on Pinterest

  • You understand that success won't be found over night

 Believe me when I tell you, this is the only Pinterest audit you’ll ever need.

 Click this link and let’s start this audit ball rolling! 


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