Blogging, Pinterest Raquell Barton Blogging, Pinterest Raquell Barton

Keyword Search Using 4 Easy Tools

Anyone can start a blog. But if you want a blog that’s going to generate traffic, leads and email subscribers, and increase your blog income, you’ve got to blog strategically. Knowing how to keyword research will help you leverage what your target audience is already searching for and drive traffic to your blog.

Anyone can start a blog.

Anyone can use Pinterest.

But if you want to increase the chances of people finding your content or products on Pinterest, you need to up your keyword game! Keyword optimized blog posts and descriptions are important if you want to generate traffic, boost your leads and email subscribers, and increase your income. You have to blog strategically, write your blog posts, and write your descriptions around the keywords your audience will use when they Google information related to your brand or niche.

So, how do you find out what these keywords are and the right ones you should embed into your blog posts and product descriptions.

Being doing keyword research! 

Do you know how happy that word makes me. 


I’m a high school librarian so doing any kind of research is my JAM!!!

Keyword research helps you target what your audience is already looking for. The keywords you use will help drive traffic to your blog/website/products. Using targeted keywords ensures your posts and your descriptions are attracting your ideal customer or client. Learning a few simple research tricks will help your blog or website immensely. 

So let’s dig in! 

Finding Keywords.pngFinding Keywords.png

Use Pinterest To Find Keywords

Always remember that Pinterest (just like Google) is a search engine. It’s a visual search engine, but a search engine nonetheless. When pinners login to Pinterest, they are searching use keywords and key terms. 

For example, let’s look up discovery call. When I type discovery call into the search bar, I get these results. 

Discovery Call.jpgDiscovery Call.jpg

These words and phrases are “keywords” people have used to search on Pinterest.

Let’s try one more.  How about virtual assistant?

virtual assistant.pngvirtual assistant.png

All of those colored tiles are what a pinner can use to narrow their search on Pinterest, which means these are MORE keywords for you to target. 

  • Become a virtual assistant

  • Virtual assistant training

  • Virtual assistant services

  • Virtual assistant tools

  • Virtual assistant welcome packet

With each colored tile you can click on it to narrow your search or narrow down into your niche to make your keyword use more relatable to your target client. Use Pinterest to help you narrow down your keywords for your ideal audience and use these keywords in your descriptions, blog post titles and interspersed in your blog posts.

Use Google’s Related Words

Have you ever noticed that when you do a search on Google you get a list of related words? If you’ve never noticed, do a search, then scroll all the way down to the bottom of the screen and you’ll see something like this. 


You can use this list of related keywords/terms to add to your descriptions and blog posts. 

BONUS Keyword Search Tools!!!


Have you ever heard of Soovle? 

Soovle is unique in that it will give you a list of the top keywords and phrases from several different search engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo, Amazon, and Wikipedia. I find it very “broad” but if you niche down or use a phrase, you can get really specific and probably find a good list of key words to start with. 

Keywords everywhere.PNGKeywords everywhere.PNG

Install Keywords Everywhere

Keywords Everywhere is a browser add-on that can be installed on Chrome or Firefox. It’s perfect for keyword search because it automatically shows up on the right side of your screen when you do a Google search. It shows you monthly search volume, cost per click and competition data of keywords on multiple websites.

Try them both out!

Well there you have it. FOUR different ways you can implement keyword searches. I hope these tools help.



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Blogging Raquell Barton Blogging Raquell Barton

5 Ways (and more) A Virtual Assistant Can Help A Blogger

Are you a blogger wondering how a Virtual Assistant can help you manage your blog? As a blogger myself who only manages to post about once (maybe) a week - I imagine if you’re a full-time blogger who makes their living earning a nice profitable income from having a blog - the tasks you have to complete are 10xs what I do.

Have you ever thought about hiring a Virtual Assistant to help you?



What you may be thinking…

It’s MY baby!

How can I trust someone else to do everything I do and do it correctly?

What if they screw up my site?

I wouldn’t even know what to outsource to a Virtual Assistant!

These are all questions/statements that are possibly running through your head right now. But guess what...I’m here to help you decide if hiring a VA is the right thing to do for you and your blog.

There are a number of ways a Virtual Assistant can help a Professional Blogger. I’m only going to describe 5 (really more) of those ways but I’ll list more at the end of this blog post.

#1 - A Virtual Assistant can help you generate blog post ideas and maintain an editorial calendar.

You know your topic. You wouldn’t have a successful profitable blog if you didn’t. But have you ever thought about using a Virtual Assistant to bounce ideas off of? Someone who might come at your niche from a different perspective and see it just a little bit differently from you? A person who may be able to do detailed research and offer you enough content to last you for an entire year? A Virtual Assistant can do that. You can find a Virtual Assistant who has a background in library science which makes them a born researcher. Once the two of you generate new ideas to blog about, your VA can create an editorial calendar to keep your content fresh and so you never run out of ideas.


#2 - A Virtual Assistant can help you draft and format blog posts and optimize blog post for SEO

Drafting and formatting a blog post can take a lot of time depending on what you’re blogging about. Do you want to add pictures? Video? A recipe? Links to other blog posts? Optimize the blog post for SEO so it shows up on Google searches? A Virtual Assistant can help you with this too. Finding the correct pictures, finding or editing video, adding a recipe if you’re a food blogger - these are things you can outsource to a VA. What about all of your similar content? If you want to make a blog post an evergreen blog post you need to link it to similar content you’ve already written about or other content that’s out there that will enhance your blog post. The right VA is more than willing and able to complete these tasks for you. And let’s not forget about SEO! Once your VA knows the topic you’re going to write about, they can research key SEO words, make sure they are included in your title and carefully situated throughout your blogpost to insure you start showing up in Google searchers. A VA can help your site be an expert site when people search about certain topics.

#3 - A Virtual Assistant can help you manage and reply to blog comments and social media comments

A key task you can outsource to a Virtual Assistant is responding to blog post comments, sharing your content on your social media and responding to those comments as well. Your regular visitors on your blog and on your social media love to chat and communicate. That’s why they leave comments. There’s nothing I dislike more than commenting on a post or on someone’s Instagram and they don’t comment back. Now don’t get me wrong - when you have time in your schedule you should definitely respond to comments, especially those that are specific to your niche and may need a more elaborate or thought out response, but for people who leave generic comments, you can allow your VA to respond to those comments in a way that will keep those visitors coming back.

#4 - A Virtual Assistant can help you manage advertising relationships and create and manage affiliate programs

Advertising relationships and affiliate programs are your bread and butter, right? Cultivating and growing these relationships are a must if you want to continue to have a profitable blog. There may be companies or industries out there who offer affiliate and/or sponsorship programs you don’t know about or haven’t had time to research. There is only so much time in your day and research may not be a high priority on your schedule. Outsource that task to a Virtual Assistant! Of course you don’t want to have too many ads running on your blog that end up distracting people away from YOUR content. But, the right  VA can help you decide which relevant ads should be embedded in each one of your blog post.

And finally…#5 - Manage Your Pinterest Business Account


If you’re not on Pinterest - you are DEFINITELY missing out. Like Google, Pinterest is a search engine...a VISUAL search engine. When was the last time you went searching for info and didn’t go to Pinterest first? I know I don’t. Sure...a lot of the time I go to Google and type in what I’m researching about. But when I really want to learn something or know how to do something - I go straight to Pinterest and I’m not the only one. On average, millions of people use Pinterest to get information. Get in on that party and allow your Virtual Assistant to manage your Pinterest account. A Virtual Assistant can help you create a pinning strategy with Tailwind, create pins on Canva, organize and update your Pinterest profile, research Pinterest SEO and titles and create more boards if you need them. Do not sleep on Pinterest. It is one of the most lucrative ways to draw people to your website, content, your email list and it has the definite potential to turn these people into clients. Let a Virtual Assistant help you do that.

There a lot of other things a Virtual Assistant can do for a blogger:

  1. Back up blog

  2. Keep website up to date

  3. Update plugins

  4. Keep a blog content bank

  5. Find opportunities to guest blog

  6. Comment on other blogs

  7. Sending out newsletters

  8. Email management

  9. Keyword research

  10. Update date older blog posts (tags to images, add links to other related posts, make posts evergreen)

If you are a blogger that needs help managing your blog, think seriously about getting a Virtual Assistant like me to help you. Need a list of all of the wonderful things a VA can help you this Blogger VA Task List today!

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