Pinterest, Spring Cleaning Raquell Barton Pinterest, Spring Cleaning Raquell Barton

Spring Clean Your Pinterest Business Account

It’s almost spring! When was the last time you audited your Pinterest business account? Spring clean your Pinterest business account with this easy step by step process. #pinterestaudit #springcleaningtips #springcleaninghacks #pinterestmarketing #pinterest #pintereststrategy

Spring is almost here!

Are you excited? I AM! I LOVE spring. It's my favorite time of the year. It's not too hot, nor is it too cold. I can wear sandals on my feet and kick it to work in a pair of capris instead of long pants. 

I Love Spring! 

People tend to clean and organize in spring. You'll probably see many posts on Pinterest about how to spring clean spaces and areas of your home on Pinterest real soon if you haven't already. 

Well, how about we (yeah you and me) spring clean our Pinterest boards! 

However, our spring cleaning will not involve manual labor or the strong smell of cleaning solution, cause who in the heck wants to smell that? 

Not me. 

I usually do my "spring" cleaning at the end of the year. I love to go through my closets and get rid of any clothes I know I'm not going to wear anymore and my kitchen to get rid of containers with no lids (don't you HATE that!). Plus, I receive that last little tax break before I have to file my taxes when I donate items to Goodwill. Those donations help me every year. 

So let's get to it. 

How To Spring Clean Your Pinterest Business Account

At least two to three times per year, you need to go through your Pinterest boards and make sure they are correctly optimized and organized. Think about it. How many times throughout the year do you add a new board? I do it quite a bit. But some days, I do it so quickly that I might not keyword it appropriately so people can find it. I wanted to get that board up quickly so I could post a blog post in it. 

So...what do you need to spring clean?

Spring Clean Your Pinterest Profile

Take a glance at your Pinterest profile. Does it still reflect your mission or niche? Do your profile picture, description, and boards communicate what you do and whom you serve? If not, make those changes now. 

Have you taken a new picture lately? Change out your profile picture and make sure you change it on your other social media platforms too. Remember - you want consistent profile pictures on all of your social media accounts because it makes a big difference in brand identification.

Update your description with keywords that tell pinners your focus. Something might have changed in the last year about your business, so you want to make sure your profile reflects that. 

Have you created an awesome new freebie? Add the link to your freebie in your profile description. 

Spring Clean Your Pinterest Boards

Scan your Pinterest boards. Now, this part may take a while, depending on how many boards you have. But, I urge you to scan each one of your Pinterest boards. 

If you have any boards that do not reflect who you are and what you're currently doing in your business, make them secret. Don't delete them because you don't want to lose the analytics or followers of that specific board if you have any. Make it secret. BUT, before you do, take a look at your Pinterest analytics.

Analytics -> Overview -> Scroll down to “top boards.” Toggle between impressions, engagements, link clicks, and saves. If that board is in your top boards, do not make it secret because that board is driving traffic to your website, and you don't want to lose that traffic. Consider updating with an additional title (see below) and updated description. 

Look at the board titles. Does the title need to change, or do you need to update it? For example, I had a board titled Squarespace. However, after much thinking, I switched it to Squarespace + Wordpress. Yes, they are two different entities BUT, they both deal with websites and hosting. I'm not a website developer, nor do I create sites for people, but I know that deciding whom you want to be your web host provider is a big deal depending on what your business is, so I chose to combine them and have one board dedicated to those two topics. 

Next, look at your board description. Keywords are important. Update the description of your board with keywords AND hashtags relevant to the topic of your boards and the pins you save in them.

If you need help deciding what you need to name board or what keywords/hashtags - use the Pinterest search feature to assist you with that. 

When you complete a search on Pinterest, you will see what keywords people use to search in Pinterest along with boards that have those keywords, and Pinterest accounts as well. Use the keywords that pop up in your titles and descriptions in a natural way that describe your boards. 

Spring Clean Your Pinterest Account With A Featured Board(s)

You can feature boards on your Pinterest business account in two places. Above your profile name and below your profile name. Here's how to do that if you haven't already. 

How To Choose A Board To Feature Above Your Pinterest Profile Name

Click on the pencil in the top right corner.

Click "choose a board."

Under "feature a board," click the board you want to be featured.


Under "feature pins," choose either the latest pins or recent activity. 

Click done.

My suggestion - choose your brand board under "feature a board." If you selected your brand board, all of YOUR pins are above your Pinterest profile name. But, it is your choice.

How To Choose Boards To Be Featured Below Your Pinterest Profile Name

Click the three dots in the top right-hand corner.

Click edit settings.

Scroll down to the bottom to "featured boards." 

Click on edit

You can pick up to five boards to be featured. It's your choice.

Click the drop-down arrows and choose 1-5 boards to feature. 

Click "save."

Now - above your Pinterest profile name, you should see a selection of pins from the board you chose. And, up under your Pinterest profile name, you should see pins from the boards you selected featured and scrolling on your profile. 

BONUS: Do you want your Pinterest boards to be in a specific order? 

If so... here's what you need to do. 

On your Pinterest profile, click on "see all boards." 

To the right, above your boards, you will see an oval that probably says "last saved to." You can change your board order by clicking on the drop-down arrow. You have five choices: last saved to, A to Z, newest, oldest, or drag and drop. Choose your board order and easy peasy, your boards are in order. 

That's it! Your Pinterest boards are officially spring cleaned! 

Don't want to spring clean your boards yourself? I'd love to do it for you. Click here, and I can audit and spring clean your boards for you. 

If you are looking to stay up to date on everything on Pinterest and get Pinterest marketing tips, follow me on Instagram where I post tips and strategies to help you with your Pinterest business account and skyrocket your Pinterest marketing out of this stratosphere.

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