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Creating The Perfect Pinterest Business Account - When To Pin

Creating a Pinterest marketing strategy is important when you want to drive traffic back to your website if you are a blogger. Learn how to grow your Pinterest business account with these tips for your beginning Pinterest account, Tips for Pinterest descriptions, hashtags, when to pin and manual vs scheduled pinning are included. #whentopinonpinterst #whentopin #pintereststrategy #skyrocketvirtualsolutions

Affiliate Disclaimer: This blog post may contain affiliate links where I earn a commission if you sign up through them. However this in no way affects my recommendation. If I recommended it, I have actually used this tool and highly recommend it.

We have made it to week 5 of the Creating The Perfect Pinterest Business Account blog series. 

Last time we discussed the fact that you need Eye Catching pins to attract your ideal client and the importance of creating pins on a regular and consistent basis for your new AND old pins. If you missed any of the other previous weeks you can go back and read the previous posts by clicking on the links below. 

Over a six week period I’ve been sharing everything you need to do to create the Perfect Pinterest business account. 

Week 1 - Creating The Perfect Pinterest Business Account: Getting Set Up

Week 2 - Creating The Perfect Pinterest Business Account: Your Profile

Week 3 - Creating The Perfect Pinterest Business Account: Your Boards

Week 4 - Creating The Perfect Pinterest Business Account: Eye-Catching Pins

Week 5 - Creating The Perfect Pinterest Business Account: When To Pin

Week 6 - Creating The Perfect Pinterest Business Account: Extras

This week is all about When To Pin! 

Are you ready? 


There is no "magic number" of pins you should be pin every day. 


Yep, I said it. 

The most important thing you need to remember about pinning on Pinterest is that you need to pin consistently...EVERY DAY! 

No one can really tell you that you should pin 5 times a day or 30 times a day because it really all depends on your blog and your audience and your niche and your TRAFFIC!  

If you’re a new blogger there’s no way you can pin 30 times a day because you don’t have that much content. 

Now, I’m not going to tell you that pinning 30 times a day isn’t fabulous...because it is!!! But YOUR goals with Pinterest should dictate how much you pin. 

So...let’s get into it. 

Pin Consistently Every Day

The number of pins you pin per day will start with a low number if you are new to blogging and Pinterest, but it SHOULD grow over time.  Start off with 3-5 pins every day. Then, when you are blogging regularly and your traffic starts to grow, increase that to 5-10, 11-20, 21-30 pins per day. 

That’s A LOT! 

I know it is and it’s scary to think about pinning that much and being on Pinterest that much. However, there’s a handy tool you can use that will help you with those numbers and I’ll get into that later. Once you’re pinning into the high numbers and you have a steady stream of traffic, you can back off that number. Why? Because if you’ve built up a following, no matter how many times you pin, your audience is going to come back to YOUR pins because they trust you. THIS is when you can decrease the number of pins you pin to Pinterest. But if you’re just getting started and you’re trying to increase the amount of traffic that visits your website, you need to pin A LOT! 

Remember, Pinterest likes consistency. Start low, increase in increments and once you gain a consistent following, you can decrease the number of pins (if you want to). 

Manual Pinning vs. Scheduled Pinning

If you’re going to manually pin, come up with a ratio that is good for your schedule. A person who pins 30 times per day can pin 10 pins in the morning and 10 pins in the afternoon, and 10 pins in the evening at a minimum of 6 days per week. The worst thing you can do is pin all your pins on one day and at one time and then ignore Pinterest the rest of the week. 

Consistency means pinning every day and at different times of the day because you don’t want to seem spammy! 

You should also experiment with what times work best for you. When are you getting the most traffic to your website? THIS is when you should upload a good majority of your pins. If you get a lot of traffic at noon and a lot of traffic in the evening, split your pinning up between those two times. Check your Google Analytics regularly to find out the high time visitors are on your site.  

If you are going to use a scheduler, then I recommend Tailwind. Tailwind is a Pinterest approved third party scheduler. With Tailwind you can schedule ALL of your pins based on their algorithm recommended times or times you select. You also get the benefit of Tailwind tribes that you can add your pin to (other people will share your pins) and the Tailwind SmartLoop (where your evergreen pins can be scheduled on an on-going basis as long as you’re a member of Tailwind). 

If you want to try Tailwind out, click here, and you can get your first month (100 pins) of Tailwind free. If you need help with Tailwind set up, I offer this as a service. Click here if you’d like me to set it all up for you. 

How To Pin Your First Pinterest Pin

The FIRST copy of a pin from your blog should be uploaded from your blog and pinned to the most relevant niche board you’ve created and your own (a personal board, not a group board) in Pinterest. The first pin from any blog post, (the first time you introduce any pin to Pinterest), should go to a broad but niche specific board. 

After that, you'll pin it to your other relevant personal boards and relevant group boards (spread out over a period of time - not all at the same time). But ALWAYS ALWAYS pin it to YOUR most relevant niche board first. 

Share Other Pinterest Content In Your Niche

When a pinner is on Pinterest their main goal is to “curate” content. They want to find the most information they can about a specific topic. Your goal is to help them curate that content by pinning relevant content from third parties (content that is not your own, but still in your niche) to your boards.  

It is very important to pin RELEVANT third party content to your boards. It helps the board gain context and Pinterest will know what that board is about. 

If you start a new board called "Scarves", then do a search on Pinterest for scarves, and pin a few of the top results to your board. Pinterest ALREADY thinks those pins are about scarves, so when you put those pins on your board, you are teaching Pinterest that YOUR board is about scarves as well.  

After you sign up for Pinterest you will begin to receive emails from Pinterest where they suggest items for you to pin. Pin those items to your boards as well. It further assures the algorithm of what your content is about. 


Include At Least 3 Hashtags for Every Pinterest Pin

When you pin a new pin to Pinterest, you can now add hashtags just like you do on Instagram. However, you should only use about 2-5 very niche hashtags (including a hashtag specific to you).  

If you can't find a hashtag that's exactly what your pin is about, add hashtags that will attract the same audience.

Pinterest wants you to introduce new content to its platform weekly, if not daily. The benefit of having lots of old content is that new pins for the old content count as fresh content. However, the best kind of content is new posts that have just been published and they tend to do better on the algorithm. 

If you don't have time to post new blog posts every few days, make new pins for old posts and try to create brand new content at least once a week. By creating new pins for old content, and creating new weekly content, this means you a lot of pins circulating and bringing in traffic. You never know when one will go VIRAL! 

RELATED: How To Strategically Use Hashtags On Pinterest

Keyword Rich Descriptions

Remember, keyword-rich descriptions are important when describing your pins. I mentioned in week 3 how important it is to create descriptive and keyworded titles for your boards. This is equally important for each one of your pins. When you create your pins you will be allowed to describe what your pin is about! Don’t skimp on this section. Describe in detail what your pin is about using at least 2-3 keywords your ideal client will search for on Pinterest and also include a branded hashtag for your pin. For example, I include the hashtag #skyrocketvirtualsolutions with each one of my hashtags in addition to 2-3 descriptive hashtags. 

RELATED: Keyword Search Using 4 Easy Tools

Well, that’s all for this week! 

If you followed all of these steps, you should be ready and know how and when to pin on Pinterest. 

Next week is our last week so come back and get a TON of extras that will help you with your Pinterest pinning strategy

This was week 5 of the Creating The Perfect Pinterest Business Account series! Again, if you missed weeks 1 through 4, you can click on the links above to read about how to set up your Pinterest business account. 

Hop on over to Instagram and tell me in the comments if you successfully gotten started on Pinterest. 

Also, please pin me on your Pinterest business account, I’d sure appreciate it. 

Want Help Planning Your Pinterest Pinning Strategy? Schedule a Pinterest Strategy session with me here. I’d love to help. 

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Creating The Perfect Pinterest Business Account - Your Boards

Have you heard that Pinterest is the BEST way to attract your ideal audience and drive traffic to your website? Do you know how to optimize your Pinterest boards? Then I have good news! Week 3 of this 6-week series of blog posts is going to help you create the perfect foundation for your Pinterest account by creating keyword optimized Pinterest boards.

Affiliate Disclaimer: This blog post may contain affiliate links where I earn a commission if you sign up through them. However this in no way affects my recommendation. If I recommended it, I have actually used this tool and highly recommend it.

We have made it to week 3 of the Creating The Perfect Pinterest Business Account blog series. 

Last week we discussed setting up your Pinterest Profile. If you missed that blog post you can go here to read all about Creating The Perfect Pinterest Business Account: Your Profile and you can go here to read all about Getting Set Up

Over a six week period I’m going to be sharing everything you need to do to create the Perfect Pinterest business account. 

Week 1 - Creating The Perfect Pinterest Business Account: Getting Set Up

Week 2 - Creating The Perfect Pinterest Business Account: Your Profile

Week 3 - Creating The Perfect Pinterest Business Account: Your Boards

Week 4 - Creating The Perfect Pinterest Business Account: Eye Catching Pins

Week 5 - Creating The Perfect Pinterest Business Account: When To Pin

Week 6 - Creating The Perfect Pinterest Business Account: Extras

This week is all about your Your Boards

The content in your Pinterest boards is what brings your ideal client or customer to Pinterest business account. The title of your board or the keywords you use to describe your board is very important because it is how you will be found when pinners search. 

So let’s get to it. 

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Create a Brand Board

The first board you need to create when you begin your Pinterest business account is a brand board. This brand board is for your content and your content only!!! You will never save anyone else’s content to this board. You may even have a case where you might have more than one brand board. If you blog AND you sell products, create a brand board for each. 

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Create 10-15 Boards Relevant to Your Audience

Before you begin creating boards for your Pinterest business account, take some time and think about your target audience/client. Why does your target audience use Pinterest? What are they searching for? These are the types of boards you need to create for your account. Even if you never create a blog post or product related to that board (you should though), you need to have that board on your account. Remember, a user on Pinterest is curating content!!! They are searching for things to buy AND save to come back to. You want them to come back to YOUR boards and if they know YOUR board has the best content, it will keep them coming back. 

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Personal Pinterest Boards Need to be Secret on a Business Account

Better yet, you need a separate personal Pinterest account altogether. Have you ever heard of the phrase “going down the rabbit hole.” If you combine your personal account with your business account, you could end up there once you log on and see your Pinterest feed. However, if you don’t want the headache of having two accounts, then any personal board you create needs to be secret. The purpose of your Pinterest business account is to attract your ideal client/customer. A board on your account called “fall scarves” when you are a Social Media Manager doesn’t fit and is not why your ideal client is seeking out content on your account. It’s going to stand out. So do yourself a favor and have a seperate Pinterest account for your personal use, or, make all of your personal boards secret. 

Each Pinterest Board Needs a Minimum of 10 Pins

Before you make any of your boards “open” to the public, they need at least 10 relevant pins inside the board. This content does not have to be all of your content. It may not even be ANY of your content in the beginning, but you need to have a minimum of 10 pins before you make it public. You do not want empty boards on your business account. 

Create Descriptive and Keyworded Titles for Each Pinterest Board.

I can not stress this enough. 

Descriptions and keywords matter. 

It is how you are found on Pinterest. Always remember that Pinterest is a visual search engine. The titles you come up for your boards is important. Scarves for example is a very broad topic. But “red scarves” or “winter scarves” or “plaid scarves” is more descriptive. If I’m looking for a purple scarf for a black and purple outfit, as a Pinterest user I’m going to search for “purple scarf” not just scarf so think about that when you create your boards. 

READ: Keyword Search Using 4 Easy Tools

Create Descriptive and Keyworded Descriptions for Each Pinterest Board

I’m going to say it again…

Descriptions and keywords matter. 

When you create your board, there is a section that allows you to describe what you board is about! Don’t skimp on this section. Describe in detail what your board is about using at least 2-3 keywords your ideal client will search for on Pinterest. 

Well that’s all for this week! 

If you followed all of these steps, you should have optimized and perfectly keyworded Pinterest boards with about 10-15 Pinterest boards that exemplify your Pinterest business account so your ideal client can find you on Pinterest. 

Pinterest Boards4.pngPinterest Boards4.png

Next week we will talk about Creating EYE CATCHING PINS for your Pinterest Business Account!

This was week 3 of the Creating The Perfect Pinterest Business Account series! Again, if you missed week 1 or 2, you can go here or here to read about how to set up your Pinterest business account and your Pinterest profile

Hop on over to Instagram and tell me in the comments if you successfully set up your Pinterest business account and profile. 

Also, please pin me on your Pinterest business account, I’d sure appreciate it. 

Want Help Planning Your Pinterest Pinning Strategy? Schedule a Pinterest Strategy session with me here. I’d love to help. 

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Pinterest Raquell Barton Pinterest Raquell Barton

What is Pinterest Marketing

Pinterest was created to drive organic traffic back to your website to help increase awareness of your brand or business. If you are a small business owner, creative entrepreneur, or blogger using Pinterest to market your business is a must! Read this blog post for the “ultimate” Pinterest marketing strategy that will help you grow your business.

Affiliate Disclaimer: This blog post may contain affiliate links where I earn a commission if you sign up through them. However this in no way affects my recommendation. If I recommended it, I have actually used this tool and highly recommend it.

Pinterest marketing is using Pinterest as a tool to increase awareness about your business. Pinterest marketing is not just for bloggers. It’s also for small business owners, entrepreneurs and online business owners who want to increase their online presence. Pinterest was created to drive organic traffic back to your website to help increase awareness of your brand or business.

Pinterest is a search engine, but it is unique in that it is a visual search engine that allows users to share visual content, similar to Instagram. However, every Pin can be linked back to your website or other content. It doesn’t matter what product or service you are selling, you can always use Pinterest to make more people aware of your business and lead them to buying from you.

Pinterest users typically use the platform to save ideas and products they want to  remember or come back to later. Pinterest is for planners. Planning for Christmas. Planning for Thanksgiving. Planning for a Trip. Planning for a party. 

You get the picture. 

Pinners use it to bookmark articles or blog posts they want to read later. 

Pinterest is for inspiration, research and buying!

When you use Pinterest for marketing, the idea is to tell your followers that YOU are the go-to business to find useful and reliable information.

So, let’s get down to it. 

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I am not going to reinvent the wheel. There are a LOT of other bloggers who have already written great articles about how to do a lot of these things so if you need help in setting any of this up - go read their blog post (it will be linked) and then come back here to finish up reading so you don’t miss any of these valuable steps. 

15 Strategic Ways To Market Your Business On Pinterest

  1. Set Up Your Pinterest Business Account

  2. Claim Your Website

  3. Determine who your Pinterest audience is.

    1. Ask yourself these questions: Who is my ideal client? What are they looking for on Pinterest? Who do I want to serve? 

    2. Once you answer these questions, use this as inspiration when you create your boards, products, blog about, and what you Pin on Pinterest. 

  4. Get familiar with Keywords (SEO for Pinterest)

    1. Research keywords

    2. Add keywords to your pin titles

    3. Add keywords to your descriptions

    4. Add keywords to your image file names before uploading 

  5. Create Pinnable Images

    1. Pinterest images should be long and narrow to take up the maximum amount of visual space and get noticed! I use Canva to create my pin images. They are 735 pixels by 1102 pixels. 

  6. Create 10-20 Pinterest Boards

    1. Think about your business and come up with a minimum of 10 boards you can create. Ideally, you should have 20 but if you can come up with 10, you should be good to get your account started. 

    2. Use keywords in your board titles and make sure you select a category for each board to help people find it and so Pinterest will recommend your board as well.

    3. Inside each board, you want to pin a minimum of 10 pins. Those first 10 pins on the board should be top quality and evergreen in nature. In addition, the first pin you pin to the board should be a blog article written by you or a link to one of your products. But always remember, these pins should be relevant, valuable, and useful

  7. Enable Rich Pins

    1. There are five types of Rich Pins: movie, recipe, article, product, and place.

    2. When you apply for Rich Pins, it gives you real-time information about your pins which helps you direct more people to your site.

  8. Pin YOUR Content

    1. Use keywords in your descriptions. 

    2. Link your pin back to your website or blog

    3. On your website, include a pinnable image on each blog post

  9. Repin others Content

    1. Remember the goal of YOUR board is to make sure your users know that YOU are the go-to board for relevant, valuable, and useful content. This content should include yours AND others.  

  10. Share your pins and boards on your other social media. 

  11. Post frequently 

    1. You should post between 5-30 new pins to your boards every day. This means your own unique content and repinning the content of others

    2. Warning! Do NOT pin all 30 new pins within a 5-minute span. Spread your pinning throughout the day. You can use a schedular like Tailwind to help you with this. 

    3. Click this link and get a free month of Tailwind. (This is an affiliate link. That means I will receive a small commission at no extra cost to you.

  12. Follow other boards in the same niche

  13. Watch your analytics (Pinterest, Tailwind and Google). 

    1. If you have not set up Google Analytics for your website DO IT NOW!! Google Analytics gives you a really good measure of who visits your website. 

  14. When you’re ready, try using Promoted Pins

  15. Use a Call To Action Pin

    1. Just like a call to action on a social media post, include a call to PIN. For example: pin this for later!

There you have it! If you’ve read to the end of this blog post and followed all of these steps AND read the other blog posts/pages I’ve linked, you should be all set to market on Pinterest. However, if you have read through all of this and you still feel overwhelmed, please reach out to me and I would be more than happy to set up your Pinterest Business account and/or Tailwind to get you started.  As a Pinterest VA (Manager) I provide a one-time fee for Pinterest and Tailwind set up and I also provide monthly management services. You can see my prices here

See you on Pinterest! 



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Pinterest Raquell Barton Pinterest Raquell Barton

What Is Pinterest Management

Pinterest is the unicorn of social media. Why? Because it’s not a social media platform, it’s a search engine! All businesses, no matter how small or how niched, can benefit from having a presence on Pinterest.If you’re tired of producing content that’s lost in the void of social media, it’s time to focus on Pinterest. Pinterest is a great way to grow your blog and increase your website traffic. If you don't have the time to learn another platform, and if your business includes (or wants to include) blogging, then it may be time to hire a Pinterest virtual assistant so you can spend more time in your zone of genius. Find out exactly what Pinterest Management is and how hiring one will be great for your business!

Affiliate Disclaimer: This blog post may contain affiliate links where I earn a commission if you sign up through them. However this in no way affects my recommendation. If I recommended it, I have actually used this tool and highly recommend it.

There’s a secret weapon that many creative entrepreneurs, bloggers and small business owners are not using.


Pinterest is the unicorn of social media. Why? Because it’s not a social media platform, it’s a search engine! All businesses, no matter how small or how niched, can benefit from having a presence on Pinterest.

But too many don’t know how to use Pinterest for their benefit. It’s not just pinning what you think is pretty and creating boards. With the right strategy, you can see results from Pinterest that will skyrocket your website traffic unlike any of your social media platforms.

If you’re tired of producing content that’s lost in the void of social media, it’s time to focus on Pinterest. Pinterest is a great way to grow your blog and increase your website traffic. If you don't have the time to learn another platform, and if your business includes (or wants to include) blogging, then it may be time to hire a Pinterest virtual assistant so you can spend more time in your zone of genius. With over 200 million monthly active users, Pinterest has positioned itself as not just another social media site, but a visual search engine that lets people find your content by clicking through to your website, increase your email subscribers, and provide more sales for your business.

You don't need random pretty pins thrown into a scheduler - you need an intentional Pinterest marketing service created by a Pinterest strategist who’s main focus is building your business with results from Pinterest.

What Is Pinterest Management.pngWhat Is Pinterest Management.png

Who Should Be Using Pinterest?

  • Lifestyle bloggers (food, travel, personal development, organizing, home decor, DIY, crafts, business, finance, etc)

  • Creative online service providers (life or business coaches, home designers, brand strategists, graphic designers, photographers, etc)

  • E-commerce businesses that showcase their products in blog posts (easier to drive traffic)

  • Teachers Pay Teachers businesses with their own website and blog posts

RELATED: Why You Can’t Afford To Ignore Pinterest

What Is Pinterest Management?

Pinterest management services are services that save business owners time in implementing their Pinterest strategy. Pinterest can be a very time consuming platform. This is great for consumers, but not for you.

The more time consumers spend looking at your Pinterest boards, the more likely they are to make a purchase from you. The more time you spend creating your Pinterest boards and pinning pins to Pinterest,  the less time you invest in business. That’s where a Pinterest manager comes in. 

Skyrocket Virtual Solutions Pinterest marketing services include unique content strategy and distribution to your Pinterest boards. It also includes daily monitoring of activity on your Pinterest boards from potential consumers. With 24/7 access to your analytics, (Pinterest, Tailwind and Google), your Pinterest strategist will track the performance of your Pinterest marketing campaign at all times.

RELATED: How to Create Clickable Images with Canva

What Does A Pinterest Manager Do? 

Pinterest Strategy 

Create a strategy for your Pinterest account. The boards and the pins added to your Pinterest business account will be based on careful research about your ideal customer.

Pinterest Pin Creation 

Create pins with original content that matches your brand. If your business has eCommerce, together, we will communicate and decide which products you want to sell online and create buyable pins to entice your customer to make a purchase.

Pinterest Monitoring 

As your pins begin to publish we take a look at the results of each pin and analyze what types of content and copy are receiving the most repins and engagement. We pinpoint and respond to what pinners are most attracted to and refine it to perfection to generate optimal results for your business.

Pinterest Reporting 

Look at and analyze your analytics (Pinterest, Tailwind, and Google) and provide you with a report while making necessary recommendations to improve your Pinterest strategy. 

RELATED: Four Things You Must Include In Your Pinterest Strategy

The Goal of Pinterest Management Services

The goal of our Pinterest Management Service is to increase awareness for your business. We accomplish this in a few ways:

  1. Increasing Pinterest Impressions and Reach

  2. Increasing Pinterest Saves and Repins

  3. Increasing Pinterest Followers

  4. Increasing Website Referrals from Pinterest (clicks to your website)

  5. Influence Sales from Pinterest

Pinterest Marketing Packages

Ready to get started with Pinterest? Let’s talk!  

Note: You will need a Pinterest account, at least 5 blog posts (or products)  on your website, and a paid subscription to Tailwind before we begin. You can get a free month of Tailwind with my link here

Note: I am not affiliated with or partnered with Pinterest in any way. Results not typical and not guaranteed.

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